Defines configuration MapboxMapOptions for a MapboxMap. These options can be used when adding a map to your application programmatically (as opposed to via XML). If you are using a MapFragment, you can pass these options in using the static factory method newInstance(MapboxMapOptions). If you are using a MapView, you can pass these options in using the constructor MapView(Context, MapboxMapOptions). If you add a map using XML, then you can apply these options using custom XML tags.
the optional AttributeSet to derive configurations from.
Camera options when using a MapView.
Describes the map options value when using a MapView.
the pixel ratio for the map to be rendered on.
Resource options when using a MapView.
Access token required when using a Mapbox service.
Please see to learn how to create one.
More information in this guide
Flag indicating to use a TextureView as render surface for the MapView