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accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
A valid Mapbox Access Token used to making the request.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
A valid Mapbox access token.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
accessToken(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
Required to call when this is being built.
addAnnotations(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Optionally pass in annotations to control to change which data to return.
addApproaches(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Optionally used to indicate how map matched routes consider rom which side of the road to approach a waypoint.
addApproaches(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
A semicolon-separated list indicating the side of the road from which to approach waypoints in a requested route.
addContoursColors(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
A list of separate String which has a list of comma-separated HEX color values to use for each isochrone contour.
addContoursMinutes(Integer...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
An integer list of minute values to use for each isochrone contour.
addIgnore(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Ignore certain routing restrictions when map matching.
address() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A string of the house number for the returned address feature.
address(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A string of the house number for the returned address feature.
addWaypointNames(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Custom names for waypoints used for the arrival instruction, each separated by ; .
alternativesCount() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
Number of probable alternative matchings for this trace point.
alternativesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder
Number of probable alternative matchings for this trace point.
annotations(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Whether or not to return additional metadata along the route.
annotations(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
annotations(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Whether or not to return additional metadata along the route.
attribution() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
A string attributing the results of the Mapbox Geocoding API to Mapbox and links to Mapbox's terms of service and data sources.
attribution(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse.Builder
A string attributing the results of the Mapbox Geocoding API to Mapbox and links to Mapbox's terms of service and data sources.
attribution(boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Optionally, control whether there is attribution on the image.
autoBuild() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
autocomplete(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
This controls whether autocomplete results are included.
availableVersions() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models.RouteTileVersionsResponse
Returns the list of available versions.


bannerInstructions(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Setting this will determine whether or not to return banner objects associated with the `routeSteps`.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
baseUrl() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
baseUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
bbox(BoundingBox) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Limit the results to a defined bounding box.
bbox(Point, Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Limit the results to a defined bounding box.
bbox(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Limit the results to a defined bounding box.
bbox(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Limit the results to a defined bounding box.
bbox() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A CarmenFeature might have a member named bbox to include information on the coordinate range for it's Geometry.
bbox(BoundingBox) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A Feature might have a member named bbox to include information on the coordinate range for it's Features.
bearing(double, double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Optionally, Use to filter the road segment the waypoint will be placed on by direction and dictates the angle of approach.
beforeLayer(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
String value for controlling where the overlay is inserted in the style.
boundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
The bounding box of which to download map route tiles.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxDirections.Builder and first checks that all values are valid, and creates a new MapboxDirections object with the values provided.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Returns an instance of MapboxDirectionsRefresh for interacting with the endpoint with the specified values.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Build a new MapboxGeocoding object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
Build a new CarmenContext object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
Build a new CarmenFeature object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse.Builder
Build a new GeocodingResponse object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
Build a new MapboxIsochrone object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxMapMatching.Builder and first checks that all values are valid, formats the values as strings for easier consumption by the API, and lastly creates a new MapboxMapMatching object with the values provided.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError.Builder
Build a new MapMatchingError object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
Build a new MapMatchingMatching object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse.Builder
Build a new MapMatchingResponse object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder
Build a new MapMatchingTracepoint object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxMatrix.Builder and first checks that all values are valid, formats the values as strings for easier consumption by the API, and lastly creates a new MapboxMatrix object with the values provided.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse.Builder
Build a new MatrixResponse object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxOptimization.Builder and first checks that all values are valid, formats the values as strings for easier consumption by the API, and lastly creates a new MapboxOptimization object with the values provided.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse.Builder
Build a new OptimizationResponse object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint.Builder
Build a new OptimizationResponse object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxRouteTiles.Builder and first checks that all values are valid, and creates a new MapboxRouteTiles object with the values provided.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxRouteTileVersions.Builder and first checks that all values are valid, and creates a new MapboxRouteTileVersions object with the values provided.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxSpeech.Builder and first checks that all values are valid, formats the values as strings for easier consumption by the API, and lastly creates a new MapboxSpeech object with the values provided.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the MapboxStaticMap.Builder and creates a new MapboxStaticMap object.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
Build a new marker instance and pass it into MapboxStaticMap in order to use it during your Static Map API request.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
This uses the provided parameters set using the StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder and creates a new StaticMarkerAnnotation object which can be passed into the MapboxStaticMap request.
build() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
Build a new MapboxTilequery object.
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
Build a new MapboxDirections object.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh
Build a new MapboxDirectionsRefresh builder with default initial values.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
Build a new MapboxGeocoding object with the initial values set for MapboxGeocoding.baseUrl() and MapboxGeocoding.mode().
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
Create a new instance of this class by using the CarmenContext.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
Create a new instance of this class by using the CarmenFeature.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
Create a new instance of this class by using the GeocodingResponse.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone
Build a new MapboxIsochrone object with the initial value set for MapboxIsochrone.baseUrl().
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError
Create a new instance of this class by using the MapMatchingError.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
Create a new instance of this class by using the MapMatchingMatching.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
Create a new instance of this class by using the MapMatchingResponse.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
Create a new instance of this class by using the MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix
Build a new MapboxMatrix object with the initial values set for MapboxMatrix.baseUrl(), MapboxMatrix.profile(), and MapboxMatrix.user().
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
Create a new instance of this class using the MatrixResponse.Builder which provides a to pass in variables which define the instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse
Create a new instance of this class by using the OptimizationResponse.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
Create a new instance of this class by using the OptimizationWaypoint.Builder class.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles
Build a new MapboxRouteTiles object.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions
Build a new MapboxRouteTileVersions object.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech
Creates a builder for a MapboxSpeech object with a default cache size of 10 MB.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation
Build a new StaticMarkerAnnotation object with the initial values set for the to StaticMapCriteria.MEDIUM_PIN.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation
Build a new StaticPolylineAnnotation object.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
Build a new MapboxTilequery object with the initial value set for MapboxTilequery.baseUrl().
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder


cache(Cache) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Adds an optional cache to set in the OkHttp client.
cameraAuto(boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
If auto is set to true, the viewport will fit the bounds of the overlay.
cameraBearing(double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Optionally, bearing rotates the map around its center defined point given in MapboxStaticMap.Builder.cameraPoint(Point).
cameraPitch(double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Optionally, pitch tilts the map, producing a perspective effect.
cameraPoint(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Center point where the camera will be focused on.
cameraZoom(double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Static maps camera zoom level.
cancelBatchCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.cancel() call, important to manually cancel call if the user dismisses the calling activity or no longer needs the returned results.
cancelBatchCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
Wrapper method for Retrofit's Call.cancel() call, important to manually cancel call if the user dismisses the calling activity or no longer needs the returned results.
CarmenContext - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
Array representing a hierarchy of parents.
CarmenContext() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
CarmenContext.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the CarmenFeature.
CarmenFeature - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
The Features key in the geocoding API response contains the majority of information you'll want to use.
CarmenFeature() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
CarmenFeature.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the CarmenFeature.
category(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
provides the categories that define this features POI if applicable.
category() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
provides the categories that define this features POI if applicable.
center() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A Point object which represents the center point inside the CarmenFeature.bbox() if one is provided.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
clientAppName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions.Builder
Base package name or other simple string identifier.
cloneBatchCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.clone() call, useful for getting call information.
cloneBatchCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
Wrapper method for Retrofit's Call.clone() call, useful for getting call information.
code(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError.Builder
String indicating the state of the response.
code() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError
String indicating the state of the response.
code(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse.Builder
A string depicting the state of the response.
code() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
A string depicting the state of the response.
code(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse.Builder
String indicating the state of the response.
code() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
String indicating the state of the response.
code(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse.Builder
String indicating the state of the response.
code() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse
String indicating the state of the response.
color(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
A hex representation of the markers color.
color(int, int, int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
A hex representation of the markers color.
com.mapbox.api.directions.v5 - package com.mapbox.api.directions.v5
Contains classes for accessing the Mapbox Directions API.
com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1 - package com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1
Contains classes for accessing the Mapbox Directions Refresh API.
com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5 - package com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
Contains the Mapbox Java Services classes related to the Mapbox Geocoding API.
com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models - package com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
Contains the Geocoding Response model classes which are useful when working with the requested results.
com.mapbox.api.isochrone - package com.mapbox.api.isochrone
Contains the Mapbox Java Services classes related to the Mapbox Isochrone API.
com.mapbox.api.matching.v5 - package com.mapbox.api.matching.v5
Contains the Mapbox Java Services wrapper for the Map Matching API.
com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models - package com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
Contains the Mapbox Matching response model classes.
com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1 - package com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1
Contains the Mapbox Java Services classes for Matrix API.
com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models - package com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models
Contains the Mapbox Matrix response model classes.
com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1 - package com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1
Contains classes for accessing the Mapbox Optimization API.
com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models - package com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models
Contains the model classes which represent the Optimization API response.
com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1 - package com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1
Contains classes for accessing the Mapbox route tiles API.
com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions - package com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions
Contains classes for accessing the Mapbox route tile versions API.
com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models - package com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models
Contains the Mapbox Route Tile Versions response model classes.
com.mapbox.api.speech.v1 - package com.mapbox.api.speech.v1
Contains the Mapbox Java Services wrapper for the Speech API.
com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1 - package com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1
Contains the builders for Mapbox Static Map API.
com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models - package com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models
Package containing all the Static Map annotations avaliable.
com.mapbox.api.tilequery - package com.mapbox.api.tilequery
Contains the Mapbox Java Services classes related to the Mapbox Tilequery API.
confidence(double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
A number between 0 (low) and 1 (high) indicating level of confidence in the returned match.
confidence() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
A number between 0 (low) and 1 (high) indicating level of confidence in the returned match.
context(List<CarmenContext>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A list representing the hierarchy of encompassing parent features.
context() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A list representing the hierarchy of encompassing parent features.
coordinate(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
This will add a single Point to the coordinate list which is used to determine the duration between points.
coordinate(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
This will add a single Point to the coordinate list which is used to determine the duration between points.
coordinate(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
This will add a single Point to the coordinate list which is used to determine the most optimal route.
coordinateListSizeLimit(Integer) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Override the standard maximum coordinate list size of 25 so that you can make a Matrix API call with a list of coordinates as large as the value you give to this method.
coordinates(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
A Point object which represents a {longitude,latitude} coordinate pair around which to center the isochrone lines.
coordinates(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
A string which represents a {longitude,latitude} coordinate pair around which to center the isochrone lines.
coordinates(List<Point>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Add a list of Point's which define the points to perform the map matching on.
coordinates(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
coordinates(List<Point>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Add a list of Point's which define the points to perform the matrix on.
coordinates(List<Point>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Add a list of Point's which define the route which will become optimized.
country(Locale) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Add a single country locale to restrict the results.
country(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Limit results to one or more countries.
country(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Limit results to one or more countries.
create() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingAdapterFactory
Create a new instance of this Geocoding type adapter factory, this is passed into the Gson Builder.
create() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingAdapterFactory
Create a new instance of this MapMatching type adapter factory, this is passed into the Gson Builder.
create() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MatrixAdapterFactory
Creates a TypeAdapter that AutoValues uses to generate specific type adapters when needed inside the matrix package classes.
create() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationAdapterFactory
Creates a TypeAdapter that AutoValues uses to generate specific type adapters when needed inside the optimization package classes.
create() - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models.RouteTileVersionsAdapterFactory
Creates a TypeAdapter that AutoValues uses to generate specific type adapters when needed inside the direction package classes.
create(List<String>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models.RouteTileVersionsResponse
Build a new RouteTileVersionsResponse object.


DARK_STYLE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Mapbox Dark style's a subtle, full-featured map designed to provide geographic context while highlighting the data on your analytics dashboard, data visualization, or data overlay.
dedupe(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
Determines whether results will be deduplicated or not.
denoise(Float) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
A floating point value from 0.0 to 1.0 that can be used to remove smaller contours.
destination(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Returned route ends at DirectionsCriteria.DESTINATION_ANY or DirectionsCriteria.DESTINATION_LAST coordinate.
destinations(Integer...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Optionally pass in indexes to generate an asymmetric matrix.
destinations(List<DirectionsWaypoint>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse.Builder
List of DirectionsWaypoint objects.
destinations() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
List of DirectionsWaypoint objects.
DirectionsRefreshService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1
Interface that defines the directions refresh service.
distance(double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
The distance traveled from origin to destination.
distance() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
The distance traveled from origin to destination.
distances(List<Double[]>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse.Builder
Distances as a list of arrays representing the matrix in row-major order.
distances() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
Distances as a list of arrays representing the matrix in row-major order.
distribution(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Specify pick-up and drop-off locations for a trip by providing a pickup and dropOff value correspond with the coordinates list.
duration(double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
The estimated travel time from origin to destination.
duration() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
The estimated travel time from origin to destination.
durations(List<Double[]>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse.Builder
Durations as array of arrays representing the matrix in row-major order.
durations() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
Durations as a list of arrays representing the matrix in row-major order.


enqueueBatchCall(Callback<List<GeocodingResponse>>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.enqueue(Callback) call returning a batch response specific to the Geocoding batch API.
enqueueBatchCall(Callback<List<FeatureCollection>>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
Wrapper method for Retrofit's Call.enqueue(Callback) call returning a batch response specific to the Tilequery batch API.
enqueueCall(Callback<DirectionsResponse>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.enqueue(Callback) call returning a response specific to the Directions API.
enqueueCall(Callback<MapMatchingResponse>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.enqueue(Callback) call returning a response specific to the Map Matching API.
eventListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
Adds an optional event listener to set in the OkHttp client.
executeBatchCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.execute() call returning a batch response specific to the Geocoding API.
executeBatchCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
Wrapper method for Retrofit's Call.execute() call returning a batch response specific to the Tilequery API.
executeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.execute() call returning a response specific to the Directions API synchronously.
executeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
Wrapper method for Retrofits Call.execute() call returning a response specific to the Map Matching API.


features(List<CarmenFeature>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse.Builder
A list of the CarmenFeatures which contain the results and are ordered from most relevant to least.
features() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
A list of the CarmenFeatures which contain the results and are ordered from most relevant to least.
fillColor(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
Set the inner line fill color.
fillColor(int, int, int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
Set the inner line fill color.
fillOpacity(Float) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
Value between 0, completely transparent, and 1, opaque for the line fill.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
Create a CarmenContext object from JSON.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
Create a CarmenFeature object from JSON.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
Create a new instance of this class by passing in a formatted valid JSON String.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
Create a new instance of this class by passing in a formatted valid JSON String.
fuzzyMatch(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Specify whether the Geocoding API should attempt approximate, as well as exact, matching when performing searches (true, default), or whether it should opt out of this behavior and only attempt exact matching (false).


generalize(Float) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
A positive floating point value in meters used as the tolerance for Douglas-Peucker generalization.
GeocodingAdapterFactory - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
A Geocoding type adapter factory for convenience when using AutoValue and handling serialization/deserialization.
GeocodingAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingAdapterFactory
GeocodingCriteria - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
Constants that should be used when requesting geocoding.
GeocodingCriteria.GeocodingModeCriteria - Annotation Type in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
Retention policy for the various geocoding modes.
GeocodingCriteria.GeocodingReverseModeCriteria - Annotation Type in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
Retention policy for reverseMode filter result types.
GeocodingCriteria.GeocodingTypeCriteria - Annotation Type in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
Retention policy for the various filter result types.
GeocodingResponse - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
This is the initial object which gets returned when the geocoding request receives a result.
GeocodingResponse() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
GeocodingResponse.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the GeocodingResponse.
GeocodingService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
Interface that defines the geocoding service.
geocodingTypes(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
This optionally can be set to filter the results returned back after making your forward or reverse geocoding request.
geoJson(GeoJson) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
GeoJSON object which represents a specific annotation which will be placed on the static map.
geometries(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
alter the default geometry being returned for the map matching route.
geometries(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
alter the default geometry being returned for the directions route.
geometry(Geometry) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
The geometry which makes up this feature.
geometry() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
The geometry which makes up this feature.
geometry(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
Gives the geometry of the route.
geometry() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
Gives the geometry of the route.
geometry(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
Queries for a specific geometry type.
get() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Use GET method to request data.
getBatchCall(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingService
Constructs the html call using the information passed in through the MapboxGeocoding.Builder.
getBatchCall(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Boolean, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.tilequery.TilequeryService
Constructs the HTTP request for the specified parameters.
getCall(String, String, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.DirectionsRefreshService
Constructs the html call using the information passed in through the MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder.
getCall(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingService
Constructs the html call using the information passed in through the MapboxGeocoding.Builder.
getCall(String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Float, Float) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.isochrone.IsochroneService
Constructs the HTTP request for the specified parameters.
getCall(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapMatchingService
Constructs the GET call using the information passed in through the MapboxMapMatching.Builder.
getCall(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MatrixService
Call-based interface.
getCall(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.OptimizationService
getCall(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.RouteTilesService
Constructs the html call using the informmation passed in through the MapboxRouteTiles.Builder.
getCall(String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.RouteTileVersionsService
getCall(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.SpeechService
Constructs the html call using the information passed in through the MapboxSpeech.Builder.
getCall(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Boolean, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.tilequery.TilequeryService
Constructs the HTTP request for the specified parameters.
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
getOkHttpClient() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
getOkHttpClient() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh
getOkHttpClient() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles
getOkHttpClient() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech


height(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Height of the image.


iconUrl(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
a percent-encoded URL for the marker image.
id(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
ID of the feature of the form {index}.{id} where index is the id/handle of the data-source that contributed the result.
id() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
ID of the feature of the form {index}.{id} where index is the id/handle of the data-source that contributed the result.
id(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A feature may have a commonly used identifier which is either a unique String or number.
id() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A feature may have a commonly used identifier which is either a unique String or number.
IGNORE_ACCESS - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
Ignore access restrictions related to mode of travel.
IGNORE_ONEWAYS - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
Ignore one-way restrictions.
IGNORE_RESTRICTIONS - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
Ignore other restrictions, such as time-based or turn restrictions.
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech
initializeCall() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
instruction(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Add the instruction text to dictate, either as plain text or ssml.
interceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
Adds an optional interceptor to set in the OkHttp client.
interceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Adds an optional interceptor to set in the OkHttp client.
interceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
Adds an optional interceptor to set in the OkHttp client.
interceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Adds an optional interceptor to set in the OkHttp client.
intersectionStreets(String, String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Specify the two street names for intersection search.
IsochroneCriteria - Class in com.mapbox.api.isochrone
Constants that should be used when using the Isochrone API.
IsochroneCriteria() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.IsochroneCriteria
IsochroneCriteria.IsochroneProfile - Annotation Type in com.mapbox.api.isochrone
Queries for a specific geometry type selector.
IsochroneService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.isochrone
Interface that defines the Isochrone API service.


label(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
Marker symbol.
language(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A string of the IETF language tag of the query's primary language.
language() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A string of the IETF language tag of the query's primary language.
language(Locale) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Set the instruction language for the map matching request, the default is english.
language(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Set the instruction language for the map matching request, the default is english.
language(Locale) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Set the instruction language for the directions request, the default is english.
language(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Set the instruction language for the directions request, the default is english.
language(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Language of which to request the instructions be spoken.
languages(Locale...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
This optionally specifies the desired response language for user queries.
languages(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
This optionally specifies the desired response language for user queries.
LARGE_PIN - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
The Static Maps marker shape and size will be large.
layers(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
A comma-separated list of layers to query, rather than querying all layers.
legIndex(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Index of leg of which to start.
legs(List<RouteLeg>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
A Leg is a route between only two waypoints.
legs() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
A Leg is a route between only two waypoints.
LIGHT_STYLE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Mapbox Light style's a subtle, full-featured map designed to provide geographic context while highlighting the data on your analytics dashboard, data visualization, or data overlay.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
This optionally specifies the maximum number of results to return.
limit(Integer) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
The number of features between 1 - 50 to return.
lnglat(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
Represents where the marker should be shown on the map.
location() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
A Point representing this waypoint location.
location() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
A Point representing this waypoint location.
logo(boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Optionally, control whether there is a Mapbox logo on the image.


maki(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
Suggested icon mapping from the most current version of the Maki project for a poi feature, based on its category.
maki() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
Suggested icon mapping from the most current version of the Maki project for a poi feature, based on its category.
MapboxDirections - Class in com.mapbox.api.directions.v5
The Directions API allows the calculation of routes between coordinates.
MapboxDirections() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
MapboxDirections.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.directions.v5
Builder class used to create a new instance of MapboxDirections.
MapboxDirectionsRefresh - Class in com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1
The directions refresh API allows a route to be refreshed via it's annotations.
MapboxDirectionsRefresh() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh
MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1
This builder is used to build a new request to the Mapbox Directions Refresh API.
MapboxGeocoding - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
This class gives you access to both Mapbox forward and reverse geocoding.
MapboxGeocoding() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding
MapboxGeocoding.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5
This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Geocoding API.
MapboxIsochrone - Class in com.mapbox.api.isochrone
An isochrone, from the Greek root words iso (equal) and chrone (time), is a line that connects points of equal travel time around a given location.
MapboxIsochrone() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone
MapboxIsochrone.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.isochrone
This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Isochrone API.
MapboxMapMatching - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5
The Mapbox map matching interface (v5)
MapboxMapMatching() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching
MapboxMapMatching.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5
Builds your map matching query by adding parameters.
MapboxMapMatching.IgnoreScope - Annotation Type in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5
Ignore certain routing restrictions when map matching.
MapboxMatrix - Class in com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1
the Matrix API returns all travel times between many points.
MapboxMatrix() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix
MapboxMatrix.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1
This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Matrix API.
MapboxOptimization - Class in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1
The Mapbox Optimization API returns a duration-optimized trip between the input coordinates.
MapboxOptimization() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization
MapboxOptimization.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1
Optimization v1 builder.
MapboxRouteTiles - Class in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1
The Route Tiles API allows the download of route tiles for the purpose of offline routing.
MapboxRouteTiles() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles
MapboxRouteTiles.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1
This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Route Tiles API.
MapboxRouteTileVersions - Class in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions
The Route Tile Versions API allows the fetching of all available versions of route tiles currently available.
MapboxRouteTileVersions() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions
MapboxRouteTileVersions.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions
This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Route Tiles API.
MapboxSpeech - Class in com.mapbox.api.speech.v1
The Speech API is a text-to-speech API with a server-side caching layer in front of AWS Polly.
MapboxSpeech() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech
MapboxSpeech.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.speech.v1
This builder is used to create a MapboxSpeech instance, with details about how the API calls should be made (input/output format, language, etc.).
MapboxStaticMap - Class in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1
Static maps are standalone images that can be displayed in your mobile app without the aid of a mapping library like the Mapbox Android SDK.
MapboxStaticMap() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap
MapboxStaticMap.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1
Static image builder used to customize the image, including location, image width/height, and camera position.
MapboxTilequery - Class in com.mapbox.api.tilequery
The Mapbox Tilequery API allows you to retrieve data about specific features from a vector tileset, based on a given latitude and longitude.
MapboxTilequery() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery
MapboxTilequery.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.tilequery
This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Tilequery API.
MapMatchingAdapterFactory - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
A MapMatching type adapter factory for convenience when using AutoValue and handling serialization/deserialization.
MapMatchingAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingAdapterFactory
MapMatchingError - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
If an InvalidInput error is thrown, this class can be used to get both the code and the message which holds an explanation of the invalid input.
MapMatchingError() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError
MapMatchingError.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the MapMatchingError.
MapMatchingMatching - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
A match object is a DirectionsRoute object with an additional confidence field.
MapMatchingMatching() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
MapMatchingMatching.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the MapMatchingResponse.
MapMatchingResponse - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
Mapbox map matching API response and convenience getter methods for optional properties.
MapMatchingResponse() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
MapMatchingResponse.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the MapMatchingResponse.
MapMatchingService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5
Interface that defines the map matching service.
MapMatchingTracepoint - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
A tracepoint object is DirectionsWaypoint object with two additional fields.
MapMatchingTracepoint() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the MapMatchingTracepoint.
matchingPlaceName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A string analogous to the CarmenFeature.placeName() field that more closely matches the query than results in the specified language.
matchingPlaceName() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A string analogous to the CarmenFeature.placeName() field that more closely matches the query than results in the specified language.
matchings(List<MapMatchingMatching>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse.Builder
List of MapMatchingMatching objects, essentially a DirectionsWaypoint object with the addition of a confidence value.
matchings() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
List of MapMatchingMatching objects, essentially a DirectionsWaypoint object with the addition of a confidence value.
matchingsIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder
Index to the match object in matchings the sub-trace was matched to.
matchingsIndex() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
Index to the match object in matchings the sub-trace was matched to.
matchingText(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A string analogous to the CarmenFeature.text() field that more closely matches the query than results in the specified language.
matchingText() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A string analogous to the CarmenFeature.text() field that more closely matches the query than results in the specified language.
MatrixAdapterFactory - Class in com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1
Required so that AutoValue can generate specific type adapters when needed inside the matrix packages.
MatrixAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MatrixAdapterFactory
MatrixResponse - Class in com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models
This contains the Matrix API response information which can be used to display the results.
MatrixResponse() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
MatrixResponse.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the MatrixResponse.
MatrixService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1
Interface that defines the directions matrix service (v1).
MEDIUM_PIN - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
The Static Maps marker shape and size will be medium.
message(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError.Builder
Provides a short message with the explanation of the invalid input.
message() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError
Provides a short message with the explanation of the invalid input.
message(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse.Builder
Optionally shows up in a map maptching response if an error or something unexpected occurred.
message() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
Optionally shows up in a directions response if an error or something unexpected occurred.
mode(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
This sets the kind of geocoding result you desire, either ephemeral geocoding or batch geocoding.
MODE_PLACES - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Default geocoding mode.
MODE_PLACES_PERMANENT - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Geocoding mode for batch and permanent geocoding.


name(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder
Provides the way name which the waypoint's coordinate is snapped to.
name() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
Provides the way name which the waypoint's coordinate is snapped to.
name(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint.Builder
Provides the way name which the waypoint's coordinate is snapped to.
name() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
Provides the way name which the waypoint's coordinate is snapped to.
name(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder
Modify the markers scale factor using one of the pre defined StaticMapCriteria.SMALL_PIN, StaticMapCriteria.MEDIUM_PIN, or StaticMapCriteria.LARGE_PIN.
NAVIGATION_GUIDANCE_DAY - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Navigation specific style that shows only the necessary information while a user is driving.
NAVIGATION_GUIDANCE_NIGHT - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Navigation specific style that shows only the necessary information while a user is driving.
NAVIGATION_PREVIEW_DAY - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Navigation specific style that shows only the necessary information while a user is driving.
NAVIGATION_PREVIEW_NIGHT - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Navigation specific style that shows only the necessary information while a user is driving.
networkInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
Adds an optional network interceptor to set in the OkHttp client.
networkInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
Adds an optional network interceptor to set in the OkHttp client.
networkInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Adds an optional network interceptor to set in the OkHttp client.


OptimizationAdapterFactory - Class in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models
Required so that AutoValue can generate specific type adapters when needed inside the optimization packages.
OptimizationAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationAdapterFactory
OptimizationResponse - Class in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models
When the Mapbox Optimization API response, this will be the root class for accessing all the response information provided.
OptimizationResponse() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse
OptimizationResponse.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the OptimizationResponse.
OptimizationService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1
Interface that defines the Optimization service (v1).
OptimizationWaypoint - Class in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models
This is a single input coordinated snapped to the road and path network.
OptimizationWaypoint() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
OptimizationWaypoint.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models
This builder can be used to set the values describing the OptimizationWaypoint.
OUTDOORS_STYLE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Mapbox Outdoors is a general-purpose map with curated tilesets and specialized styling tailored to hiking, biking, and the most adventurous use cases.
outputType(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Output format for spoken instructions.
overview(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Type of returned overview geometry.
overview(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Type of returned overview geometry.


placeName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A string representing the feature in the requested language, if specified, and its full result hierarchy.
placeName() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A string representing the feature in the requested language, if specified, and its full result hierarchy.
placeType(List<String>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A list of feature types describing the feature.
placeType() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A list of feature types describing the feature.
polygons(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
Specify whether to return the contours as GeoJSON Polygon (true) or LineString (false).
polyline(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
The current polyline string being used for the paths geometry.
post() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Use POST method to request data.
postCall(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapMatchingService
Constructs the POST call using the information passed in through the MapboxMapMatching.Builder.
precision(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
In order to make the returned image better cache-able on the client, you can set the precision in decimals instead of manually round the parameters.
profile(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
A Mapbox Directions routing profile ID.
profile(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
This selects which mode of transportation the user will be using to accurately give the map matching route.
profile(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
This selects which mode of transportation the user will be using to accurately give the matrix durations.
profile(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
This selects which mode of transportation the user will be using while navigating from the origin to the final destination.
PROFILE_CYCLING - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.IsochroneCriteria
For bicycle routing.
PROFILE_DEFAULT_USER - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.IsochroneCriteria
Mapbox default username.
PROFILE_DRIVING - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.IsochroneCriteria
For car routing.
PROFILE_WALKING - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.IsochroneCriteria
For walking routing.
properties(JsonObject) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
This contains the JSON object which holds the feature properties.
properties() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
This contains the JSON object which holds the feature properties.
proximity(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Bias local results base on a provided Point.


query(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Perform a reverse geocode on the provided Point.
query(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
This method can be used for performing a forward geocode on a string representing a address or POI.
query(List<String>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse.Builder
A list of space and punctuation-separated strings from the original query.
query() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
A list of space and punctuation-separated strings from the original query.
query(Point) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
The longitude and latitude to be queried.
query(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
The longitude and latitude to be queried.


radius(Integer) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
The approximate distance in meters to query for features.
radiuses(Double...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Optionally, set the maximum distance in meters that each coordinate is allowed to move when snapped to a nearby road segment.
radiuses(double...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Optionally, set the maximum distance in meters that each coordinate is allowed to move when snapped to a nearby road segment.
rawCenter(double[]) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A Point object which represents the center point inside the CarmenFeature.bbox() if one is provided.
rawLocation(double[]) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder
The rawLocation as a double array.
rawLocation(double[]) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint.Builder
The rawLocation as a double array.
relevance(Double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A numerical score from 0 (least relevant) to 0.99 (most relevant) measuring how well each returned feature matches the query.
relevance() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A numerical score from 0 (least relevant) to 0.99 (most relevant) measuring how well each returned feature matches the query.
requestId(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Specified here is the uuid of the initial directions request.
requestUuid(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
The universally unique identifier of the request that produced this route.
requestUuid() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
The universally unique identifier of the request that produced this route.
retina(boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Enhance your image by toggling retina to true.
REVERSE_MODE_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by distance.
REVERSE_MODE_SCORE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by score.
reverseMode(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.MapboxGeocoding.Builder
Set the factors that are used to sort nearby results.
roundaboutExits(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Setting can be set to either true or false to enable or disable respectively.
roundTrip(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Returned route is a roundtrip (route returns to first location).
routeIndex(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh.Builder
Index of original route in response.
routeIndex(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
The index of the route in the list of routes returned by the original response.
routeIndex() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
The index of this route in the original network response.
routeOptions(RouteOptions) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
Set of options specified for this directions request.
routeOptions(RouteOptions) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
Holds onto the parameter information used when making the directions request.
routeOptions() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
Holds onto the parameter information used when making the directions request.
RouteTilesService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1
Interface that defines the Route Tiles Service (v1).
RouteTileVersionsAdapterFactory - Class in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models
Required so that AutoValue can generate specific type adapters when needed inside the direction packages.
RouteTileVersionsAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models.RouteTileVersionsAdapterFactory
RouteTileVersionsResponse - Class in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models
This is the root Mapbox Route Tile Versions response object, returned by MapboxRouteTileVersions.
RouteTileVersionsResponse() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models.RouteTileVersionsResponse
RouteTileVersionsService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions
Interface that defines the Route Tile Versions Service (v1).


SATELLITE_STREETS_STYLE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Mapbox Satellite Streets combines our Mapbox Satellite with vector data from Mapbox Streets.
SATELLITE_STYLE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Mapbox Satellite is our full global base map that is perfect as a blank canvas or an overlay for your own data.
shortCode(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
The ISO 3166-1 country and ISO 3166-2 region code for the returned feature.
shortCode() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
The ISO 3166-1 country and ISO 3166-2 region code for the returned feature.
SMALL_PIN - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
The Static Maps marker shape and size will be small.
source(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Returned route starts at DirectionsCriteria.SOURCE_ANY or DirectionsCriteria.SOURCE_FIRST coordinate.
sources(Integer...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
Optionally pass in indexes to generate an asymmetric matrix.
sources(List<DirectionsWaypoint>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse.Builder
List of DirectionsWaypoint objects.
sources() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
List of DirectionsWaypoint objects.
SpeechService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.speech.v1
Interface that defines the speech service.
StaticMapCriteria - Class in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1
Constant values related to the Static Map API can be found in this class.
StaticMapCriteria.MarkerCriteria - Annotation Type in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1
Retention policy for the pin parameter in the Static Map Marker Annotation API.
StaticMarkerAnnotation - Class in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models
Mapbox Static Image API marker overlay.
StaticMarkerAnnotation() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation
StaticMarkerAnnotation.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models
This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Static Map API.
staticMarkerAnnotations(List<StaticMarkerAnnotation>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Optionally provide a list of marker annotations which can be placed on the static map image during the rendering process.
StaticPolylineAnnotation - Class in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models
Mapbox Static Image API polyline overlay.
StaticPolylineAnnotation() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation
StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder - Class in com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models
Builder used for passing in custom parameters.
staticPolylineAnnotations(List<StaticPolylineAnnotation>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Optionally provide a list of polyline annotations which can be placed on the static map image during the rendering process.
steps(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Setting this will determine whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions.
steps(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
Setting this will determine whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions.
STREET_STYLE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.StaticMapCriteria
Mapbox Streets is a comprehensive, general-purpose map that emphasizes accurate, legible styling of road and transit networks.
strokeColor(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
Set the line outer stroke color.
strokeColor(int, int, int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
Set the line outer stroke color.
strokeOpacity(Float) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
Value between 0, completely transparent, and 1, opaque for the line stroke.
strokeWidth(Double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation.Builder
Defines the line stroke width for the path.
styleId(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
The returning map images style, which can be one of the provided Mapbox Styles or a custom style made inside Mapbox Studio.


text(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
A string representing the feature.
text() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
A string representing the feature.
text(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature.Builder
A string representing the feature in the requested language.
text() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
A string representing the feature in the requested language, if specified.
textType(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.speech.v1.MapboxSpeech.Builder
Format which the input is specified.
tidy(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Whether or not to transparently remove clusters and re-sample traces for improved map matching results.
TILEQUERY_GEOMETRY_LINESTRING - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.TilequeryCriteria
Queries for a specific geometry type (linestring).
TILEQUERY_GEOMETRY_POINT - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.TilequeryCriteria
Queries for a specific geometry type (point).
TILEQUERY_GEOMETRY_POLYGON - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.TilequeryCriteria
Queries for a specific geometry type (polygon).
TilequeryCriteria - Class in com.mapbox.api.tilequery
Constants that should be used when using the Tilequery API.
TilequeryCriteria() - Constructor for class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.TilequeryCriteria
TilequeryCriteria.TilequeryGeometry - Annotation Type in com.mapbox.api.tilequery
Queries for a specific geometry type selector.
TilequeryService - Interface in com.mapbox.api.tilequery
Interface that defines the tilequery service.
tilesetIds(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.tilequery.MapboxTilequery.Builder
The ID of the tileset being queried.
timestamps(String...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Timestamps corresponding to each coordinate provided in the request; must be numbers in Unix time (seconds since the Unix epoch) converted to a String.
timestamps(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections
Returns the builder which created this instance of MapboxDirections and allows for modification and building a new directions request with new information.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directionsrefresh.v1.MapboxDirectionsRefresh
Convert the current MapboxDirectionsRefresh to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
Convert current instance values into another Builder to quickly change one or more values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
Convert current instance values into another Builder to quickly change one or more values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
Convert the current GeocodingResponse to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
Convert the current MapMatchingMatching to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
Convert the current MapMatchingResponse to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
Convert the current MapMatchingTracepoint to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
Convert the current MatrixResponse to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse
Convert the current OptimizationResponse to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
Convert the current OptimizationWaypoint to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles
Returns the builder which created this instance of MapboxRouteTiles and allows for modification and building a new route tiles request with new information.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.MapboxRouteTileVersions
Returns the builder which created this instance of MapboxRouteTileVersions and allows for modification and building a new route tile versions request with new information.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation
Convert the current StaticMarkerAnnotation to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation
Convert the current StaticPolylineAnnotation to its builder holding the currently assigned values.
toDirectionRoute() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
Map this MapMatchingMatching object to a DirectionsRoute object.
toJson() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
This takes the currently defined values found inside this instance and converts it to a JSON string.
toJson() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
This takes the currently defined values found inside this instance and converts it to a JSON string.
toJson() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
This takes the currently defined values found inside this instance and converts it to a GeoJson string.
tracepoints(List<MapMatchingTracepoint>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse.Builder
A list of MapMatchingTracepoint objects representing the location an input point was matched with.
tracepoints() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
A list of MapMatchingTracepoint objects representing the location an input point was matched with.
trips(List<DirectionsRoute>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse.Builder
List of trip DirectionsRoute objects.
trips() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse
List of trip DirectionsRoute objects.
tripsIndex(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint.Builder
Index to the trip object in the trips array that contains this waypoint.
tripsIndex() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
Index to the trip object in the trips array that contains this waypoint.
type() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
This describes the TYPE of GeoJson geometry this object is, thus this will always return Feature.
type() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
A geocoding response will always be an extension of a FeatureCollection containing additional information.
TYPE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by address.
TYPE_COUNTRY - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by country.
TYPE_DISTRICT - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by district.
TYPE_LOCALITY - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by locality.
TYPE_NEIGHBORHOOD - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by neighborhood.
TYPE_PLACE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by place.
TYPE_POI - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by POI.
TYPE_POI_LANDMARK - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by POI landmark subtype.
TYPE_POSTCODE - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by postcode.
TYPE_REGION - Static variable in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.GeocodingCriteria
Filter results by region.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenFeature
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.GeocodingResponse
Gson TYPE adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingError
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingResponse
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.
typeAdapter(Gson) - Static method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.versions.models.RouteTileVersionsResponse
Gson type adapter for parsing Gson to this class.


url() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap
Returns the formatted URL string meant to be passed to your Http client for retrieval of the actual Mapbox Static Image.
url() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation
Used Internally.
url() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation
Used Internally.
usePostMethod(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.MapboxDirections.Builder
Use POST method to request data.
user(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone.Builder
The username for the account that the Isochrone engine runs on.
user(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
The username for the account that the directions engine runs on.
user(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix.Builder
The username for the account that the directions engine runs on.
user(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.MapboxOptimization.Builder
The username for the account that the directions engine runs on.
user(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
The username for the account that the directions engine runs on.


version(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.routetiles.v1.MapboxRouteTiles.Builder
The version of map tiles being requested.
voiceInstructions(Boolean) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Setting can be set to either true or false to enable or disable SSML marked-up text for voice guidance along the route.
voiceLanguage(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
String of the language to be used for voice instructions.
voiceLanguage() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
String of the language to be used for voice instructions.
voiceUnits(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Specify what unit you'd like voice and banner instructions to use.


waypointIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint.Builder
Index of the waypoint inside the matched route.
waypointIndex() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingTracepoint
Index of the waypoint inside the matched route.
waypointIndex(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint.Builder
Index of the waypoint inside the optimization route.
waypointIndex() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationWaypoint
Index of the waypoint inside the optimization route.
waypointIndices(Integer...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
Optionally, set which input coordinates should be treated as waypoints / separate legs.
waypoints(Integer...) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.MapboxMapMatching.Builder
waypoints(List<OptimizationWaypoint>) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse.Builder
List of OptimizationWaypoint objects.
waypoints() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.optimization.v1.models.OptimizationResponse
List of OptimizationWaypoint objects.
weight(double) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
The calculated weight of the route.
weight() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
The calculated weight of the route.
weightName(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching.Builder
The name of the weight profile used while calculating during extraction phase.
weightName() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.matching.v5.models.MapMatchingMatching
The name of the weight profile used while calculating during extraction phase.
width(int) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap.Builder
Width of the image.
wikidata(String) - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext.Builder
The WikiData identifier for a country, region or place.
wikidata() - Method in class com.mapbox.api.geocoding.v5.models.CarmenContext
The WikiData identifier for a country, region or place.
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