

アプリケーションの開発を始める前に、Maps SDKの認証情報を構成し、SDKをプロジェクトの依存関係として追加する必要があります。

このドキュメントでは、Maps SDKの最新の安定版をインストールする手順を説明します。


Before installing the SDK, you will need to gather the appropriate credentials.

The SDK requires two pieces of sensitive information from your Mapbox account (or sign up to create one):

  • A public access token: From your account's tokens page, you can either copy your default public token or click the Create a token button to create a new public token.
  • A secret access token with the Downloads:Read scope.
    1. From your account's tokens page, click the Create a token button.
    2. From the token creation page, give your token a name and make sure the box next to the Downloads:Read scope is checked.
    3. Click the Create token button at the bottom of the page to create your token.
    4. The token you've created is a secret token, which means you will only have one opportunity to copy it somewhere secure.

You should not expose these access tokens in publicly-accessible source code where unauthorized users might find them. Instead, you should store them somewhere safe on your computer and take advantage of Gradle properties to make sure they're only added when your app is compiled (see next section).

Configure your secret token

To avoid exposing your secret token, add it as an environment variable:

  1. Find or create a gradle.properties file in your Gradle user home folder. The folder is located at «USER_HOME»/.gradle. Once you have found or created the file, its path should be «USER_HOME»/.gradle/gradle.properties. More details about Gradle properties in the official Gradle documentation.
  2. Add your secret token your gradle.properties file:

Configure your public token

The SDK supports multiple ways of providing an access token: through app resources or by setting it at runtime.


One way to provide your public token to Mapbox SDK is by adding it as an Android string resource.

To do so create a new string resource file in your app module (e.g. app/src/main/res/values/mapbox_access_token.xml) with your public Mapbox API token:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools">
<string name="mapbox_access_token" translatable="false" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN</string>

In this case, if you want to rotate an access token, you'll need to re-release your app. For more information on access token rotation, consult the Access Tokens Information page.


Another way to provide a token is to do it at runtime with this code:

MapboxOptions.accessToken = YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN

You will find this option helpful in case you want to rotate your tokens at runtime or want to receive the token from your backend instead of storing it in your apk.

Note that you must set a valid token before any interaction with the SDK, including its initialization, otherwise the SDK will not be able to use your token.

For example, in case of Navigation SDK, first set the token and only then initialize it.

In case of Maps SDK, set the token before inflating the MapView (may be a setContentView invocation in your Activity#onCreate).

But once you change the token at runtime, the new one will be used by all the SDKs from that point on.

For example, if you have a long-living app and want to rotate the token every 48 hours, here is a possible approach you might want to consider:

  1. On the first app start make a network request to your backend for a token.
  2. When you receive a token, load the Navigation component in your app that will instantiate the Navigation SDK, inflate the MapView, etc.
  3. Store the token in your app files.
  4. On the next app launch you can read the token from file.
  1. If it's not available (for example, app data was cleared), make another request to your backend and delay loading the Navigation component.
  1. Every 48 hours make a request to your backend to check the token.
  2. If the token changed, at any point in your app's lifecycle invoke:

From this moment on it will be used by all the Mapbox SDKs.

  1. Store the new token in your app's directory.

For information on how you can create a new value for your token, consult the Access Tokens Information Page.

Configure permissions

If you plan to display the user's location on the map or get the user's location information you will need to add the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission in your application's AndroidManifest.xml. You also need to add ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permissions if you need access to precise location. You can check whether the user has granted location permission and request permissions if the user hasn't granted them yet using the PermissionsManager.

<manifest ... >
<!-- Always include this permission -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

<!-- Include only if your app benefits from precise location access. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />



MapboxはMaps SDKをMaven経由で提供します。

Maps SDKを依存関係として追加するには、Mapboxのmavenリポジトリから直接Maps SDKをダウンロードするようにビルドを構成する必要があります。これには有効なユーザー名とパスワードが必要です(「認証情報を構成する」セクションを参照)。

  1. Android Studioでプロジェクトを開きます。

  2. Mapboxのリモートリポジトリを宣言します。

    Mapboxリポジトリへのアクセスには有効なユーザー名とパスワードが必要です。前のセクションで、パスワードをgradle.propertiesファイルに追加しました(「認証情報を構成する」セクションを参照)。ユーザー名フィールドには常に "mapbox" を使用してください

    デフォルトでは、新しいAndroid Studioプロジェクトは、Mavenリポジトリの場所をプロジェクトのsettings.gradleファイルに指定します:

    • トップレベルのsettings.gradle.ktsファイルを開き、dependencyResolutionManagement.repositories内に新しいmaven {...}定義を追加します:
// Mapbox Maven repository
maven {
url = uri("https://api.mapbox.com/downloads/v2/releases/maven")
// Do not change the username below. It should always be "mapbox" (not your username).
credentials.username = "mapbox"
// Use the secret token stored in gradle.properties as the password
credentials.password = providers.gradleProperty("MAPBOX_DOWNLOADS_TOKEN").get()
authentication { basic(BasicAuthentication) }
  1. モジュールレベル(例:app/build.gradle.kts)のGradle構成ファイルを開き、プロジェクトのminSdkが21以上であることを確認します:

android {
defaultConfig {
minSdk 21

  1. モジュールレベル(例:app/build.gradle.kts)のGradle構成ファイルにMapbox SDK for Androidの依存関係を追加します:

dependencies {
implementation 'com.mapbox.maps:android:11.6.1'
// Composeを使用している場合は、Compose拡張機能も追加します
// implementation 'com.mapbox.extension:maps-compose:11.6.1'

  1. Gradleファイルを編集したため、Android Studioで**「プロジェクトをGradleファイルと同期」**を実行します。

注:依存関係のトランジティブ設定に競合が発生する場合があります。必要に応じて、exclude groupを使用して特定の依存関係を削除することができます(トランジティブ依存関係の除外を参照)


マップビューをアプリケーションに追加するには、Jetpack Composeまたはビューのレイアウトで(XMLを使用)を使用するか、ランタイムでインスタンス化を行います。

Jetpack Compose

Mapbox Maps Jetpack Compose拡張APIは試験的なものであり、まだ変更が加えられる可能性があります。ぜひ試してフィードバックをお寄せください。

Mapbox Maps compose拡張機能を使用して、composeにマップを追加することができます:

mapViewportState = rememberMapViewportState {
setCameraOptions {
center(Point.fromLngLat(-98.0, 39.5))



<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

app:mapbox_cameraBearing="0.0" />




// Create a map programmatically and set the initial camera
mapView = MapView(this)
.center(Point.fromLngLat(-98.0, 39.5))
// Add the map view to the activity (you can also add it to other views as a child)