
Create a rotating globe

Display your map as an interactive, rotating globe.
Android Examples App Available

This example code is part of the Maps SDK for Android Examples App, a working Android project available on GitHub. Android developers are encouraged to run the examples app locally to interact with this example in an emulator and explore other features of the Maps SDK.

See our Run the Maps SDK for Android Examples App tutorial for step-by-step instructions.

package com.mapbox.maps.testapp.examples.globe

import android.animation.Animator
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import com.mapbox.android.gestures.MoveGestureDetector
import com.mapbox.android.gestures.RotateGestureDetector
import com.mapbox.android.gestures.StandardScaleGestureDetector
import com.mapbox.common.Cancelable
import com.mapbox.geojson.Point
import com.mapbox.maps.MapView
import com.mapbox.maps.MapboxMap
import com.mapbox.maps.Style
import com.mapbox.maps.dsl.cameraOptions
import com.mapbox.maps.extension.style.atmosphere.generated.atmosphere
import com.mapbox.maps.extension.style.layers.properties.generated.ProjectionName
import com.mapbox.maps.extension.style.projection.generated.projection
import com.mapbox.maps.extension.style.style
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.animation.MapAnimationOptions.Companion.mapAnimationOptions
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.animation.easeTo
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.gestures.OnMoveListener
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.gestures.OnRotateListener
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.gestures.OnScaleListener
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.gestures.gestures

* This example combines a [GlobeActivity] and camera animation to create a rotating planet effect.
* The rotation animation is continued indefinitely by calling [MapboxMap.easeTo] on animation end.
* Rotation is paused on user interaction and slows to a stop at high zoom levels.
class SpinningGlobeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

private var userInteracting = false
private var spinEnabled = true

private lateinit var mapboxMap: MapboxMap
private lateinit var runningAnimation: Cancelable

private fun spinGlobe() {
val zoom = mapboxMap.cameraState.zoom
if (spinEnabled && !userInteracting && zoom < MAX_SPIN_ZOOM) {
var distancePerSecond = 360.0 / SECONDS_PER_REVOLUTION
if (zoom > SLOW_SPIN_ZOOM) {
// Slow spinning at higher zooms
val zoomDif = (MAX_SPIN_ZOOM - zoom) / (MAX_SPIN_ZOOM - SLOW_SPIN_ZOOM)
distancePerSecond *= zoomDif
val center = mapboxMap.cameraState.center
val targetCenter = Point.fromLngLat(center.longitude() - distancePerSecond, center.latitude())
// Smoothly animate the map over one second.
// When this animation is complete, call it again
runningAnimation = mapboxMap.easeTo(
cameraOptions { center(targetCenter) },
mapAnimationOptions {
animatorListener = object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val mapView = MapView(this)

mapView.gestures.addOnMoveListener(object : OnMoveListener {
override fun onMoveBegin(detector: MoveGestureDetector) {
userInteracting = true

override fun onMove(detector: MoveGestureDetector): Boolean {
// return false in order to actually handle user movement
return false

override fun onMoveEnd(detector: MoveGestureDetector) {
userInteracting = false

mapView.gestures.addOnRotateListener(object : OnRotateListener {
override fun onRotateBegin(detector: RotateGestureDetector) {
userInteracting = true

override fun onRotate(detector: RotateGestureDetector) {
// no-op

override fun onRotateEnd(detector: RotateGestureDetector) {
userInteracting = false

mapView.gestures.addOnScaleListener(object : OnScaleListener {
override fun onScaleBegin(detector: StandardScaleGestureDetector) {
userInteracting = true

override fun onScale(detector: StandardScaleGestureDetector) {
// no-op

override fun onScaleEnd(detector: StandardScaleGestureDetector) {
userInteracting = false

mapboxMap = mapView.mapboxMap.apply {
style(Style.SATELLITE) {
+atmosphere { }
) {
cameraOptions {

private companion object {
private const val ZOOM = 1.5
private val CENTER = Point.fromLngLat(-90.0, 40.0)

private const val EASE_TO_DURATION = 1_000L
// At low zooms, complete a revolution every two minutes.
private const val SECONDS_PER_REVOLUTION = 120
// Above zoom level 5, do not rotate.
private const val MAX_SPIN_ZOOM = 5
// Rotate at intermediate speeds between zoom levels 3 and 5.
private const val SLOW_SPIN_ZOOM = 3