Mapbox Studio
- Create custom maps
- Upload custom data as tilesets
- Create data visualizations
- Draw data in the dataset editor
Mapbox Studio is an in-browser editor used to create custom map styles, which can then be passed into your Mapbox GL JS, Android, iOS and/or Flutter Mapbox Maps. To create these styles, Mapbox Studio allows you to do the following:
Create datasets
with the Mapbox Studio dataset editor.
Create tilesets
to add custom data to map styles.
Create map styles
with the Mapbox Studio style editor.
Go to Mapbox Studio
And to learn more about how to use Mapbox Studio keep reading through this guide, to see our Mapbox Studio manual.
What is the Mapbox Studio Manual?
The Mapbox Studio manual contains a comprehensive explanation of each section of Mapbox Studio, including general descriptions of individual components and detailed information on specific tools. It can be used either as a reference when using specific tools in Mapbox Studio, or as a way to understand the general pieces of how a Mapbox map is constructed.
- Guides: Conceptual explanations of the map components and workflows in Mapbox Studio.
- Examples: A collection of style examples you can browse and add to your account.
- Reference: Comprehensive descriptions of the Mapbox Studio interface.
- Tutorials: Step-by-step tutorials for creating map styles and using them in applications.
- Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting guides for tasks related to map styles.
See our Mapbox Studio tutorials to find step-by-step instructions to help you learn how to upload data in Mapbox Studio, create custom map styles in Mapbox Studio, use custom map styles in applications on different platforms, and more.
How does it work?
Digital maps are comprised of three major parts - geospatial data, styling rules describing how the data should look, and a tool that takes those and displays a map. In the case of Mapbox, we do the following:
Geospatial data: Mapbox uses tilesets as a geospatial data format when displaying maps. Tilesets are a lightweight storage format for both raster and vector data. When you upload data to Mapbox, it is stored as a tileset.
Styling rules: When you define how your data should be styled in the Mapbox Studio style editor, this information is stored in a JSON document that conforms to the Mapbox Style Specification.
Display: Whether you use the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS or Android on mobile or Mapbox GL JS on the web, we use a tool called Mapbox GL to put together the style JSON and the tilesets used in the style and to draw your map.
Mapbox Studio provides tools for converting your data to tilesets and creating styles. It also includes a dataset editor, which you can use to create and edit data before converting to a tileset. Once you create a style, you can display your map using Mapbox GL JS or one of our mobile SDKs.
geographic information
Style JSON
instructions for styling
Sprites and glyphs
icons and fonts
Mapbox GL
a vector rendering framework for highly customizable and responsive client-side maps
Sample workflow
The flexibility of Mapbox Studio's design supports many different workflows. Below is one possible workflow for creating a custom map style with your own data in Mapbox Studio. In this example, custom data is created with the dataset editor, exported to a tileset, styled in the style editor, and displayed on the web with Mapbox GL JS.