
Tileset recipes

A tileset recipe is a JSON document composed of configuration options that tell Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS) how to turn tileset source data into tiles. Recipes allow you to specify details like:

  • The minimum and maximum zoom levels at which you want the features in your tilesets to be visible.
  • How much you want to simplify the geometry of your features.
  • How you want to union your features based on their attributes.
  • How to select bands for raster sources.
  • Expression-style filtering of data.
  • Other data aggregation and manipulation functionality.

Recipes must be constructed according to the rules in the Recipe specification.

To see example recipes for frequently-requested use cases, see the Recipe examples page.

You can use the Tileset explorer to see the recipe for an existing tileset created with MTS. In the Mapbox Studio Tilesets page, click on the tileset's name to open Tileset explorer. Click on Job history, then click on View recipe.
