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Mapbox Terrain v2

This tileset reference document includes information to help you use the data in the Mapbox Terrain v2 tileset.


Mapbox Terrain is a Mapbox-provided vector tileset that includes features like hillshades, topographical elevation contours, and landcover data, all in vector format.

Some specifics about Mapbox Terrain:

  • 10 meter height increments. Data is mapped to 10 meter height increments.

  • Index field can be used to highlight index contour lines or control the density of contours on the map.

    The map above uses minimal styling to illustrate the coverage, density, and zoom extents of various source layers in this tileset. Toggle between Map and Style JSON to see the relationship between the visual map and the source data.

Data sources

Mapbox Terrain is comprised of a wide variety of data sources from government-provided datasets as well as third-party commercial data. To learn more about the datasets in the Mapbox Terrain tileset, visit our mapping platform page.


When using the Mapbox Terrain layer publicly in a design or application you must provide proper attribution.

Layer reference

A geometry in the vector tile can be one of 3 types:

polygon Polygon / multipolygon
polyline Linestring / multilinestring
marker Point


markerpolylinepolygonbuffer: 8

The landcover layer provides a generalized backdrop of vegetation, agriculture, and permanent ice & snow. It is intended for stylistic use and not appropriate for science or other analysis. Empty space in the landcover layer is either water or bare earth, rock, sand, and built-up areas.


The class field is used for styling different types of landcover. The classes are designed to look good when there is a smooth color gradient across from wood → scrub → grass → crop → map background → snow. Thin strips of "grass" or "crop" along the edge of a wooded area might not necessarily represent actual grass or cropland, but are there to smooth the transition from wood to bare land.

'wood'The area is mostly wooded or forest-like.
'scrub'The area is either mostly bushy or a mix of wooded and grassy
'grass'The area is mostly grassy.
'crop'The area is mostly agricultural, or thin/patchy grass
'snow'The area is mostly permanent ice, glacier or snow


markerpolylinepolygonbuffer: 8

The hillshade layer contains polygons that when styled appropriately display shaded relief of hills. The lighting direction is not realistic, but from the north-west (as is traditional in shaded relief).

At zoom levels above 14 you may want to blur, fade, or completely hide the hillshade layer as the resolution of the data is not enough to hold up at the largest scales.


The class field is for styling of the different levels of light and shadow. With low polygon-opacity or certain polygon-comp-op settings, you can style all 6 brightness levels with 2 filters.

'shadow'These should be styled darker than the background color.
'highlight'These should be styled lighter than the background color.


The level field allows for more granular styling of the different levels of light and shadow. The numbers represent the brightness threshold percentages that were used to generate the hillshading polygons.

94The brightest highlights
90Medium highlights
89Areas of faint shadow
78Areas of medium shadow
67Areas of dark shadow
56Areas of extreme shadow


markerpolylinepolygonbuffer: 4

Contour lines show vertical dimension on a region by joining points of equal elevation. Full contour line coverage begins at zoom 12, while index lines are available at zoom 9 + in values specified below.


The ele field stores the elevation of each contour line in meters and can be used for labeling or filtering. Ideally the values range from -410 near the shore of the Dead Sea to 8840 near the peak of Mt Everest, but due to bugs and inconsistencies values outside this range may exist.

Zoom levelContour Interval
9500 meters
10200 meters
11100 meters
1250 meters
1320 meters
14+10 meters

Index lines

The index field can be used to emphasize index contours, but it can also be used to reduce the contour density if you wish. The highest value that applies to a contour will be the index value, so if you want to highlight every fifth line, you need to select both index=5 and index=10. If you want to highlight every other line, you need to select both index=2 and index=10 (or both index=1 and index=5).

-1Sea level coastline
1Every first line
2Every second line
5Every fifth line
10Every 10th line


A summary of the changes from v1:

  • Various elevation data improvements and updates (notably over most of Europe and Africa)
  • class field in the #hillshade layer simplified to 2 classes: highlight, shadow
  • level field added to the #hillshade layer for more granular styling
  • Coastlines have an index value of -1 in the #contour layer
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