
Use Atlas with Mapbox Studio

When Atlas is running, you can log into the Atlas instance of Mapbox Studio with the username atlas-user and your configured password. You can build with the provided Mapbox tilesets or your own custom tilesets, as well as use default Mapbox map styles or your own custom styles.

Create a new style in Studio

With Mapbox Studio, you can create new styles that can be loaded into Atlas. Go to your Studio page (for instance, https://localhost:2999/studio). Click More options to create a new style. You can use a default Mapbox style as the base for your new map style, or you can upload one.

If you haven't created a custom map style using Mapbox Studio before, the Create a custom style tutorial is a good way to learn the interface.

Available default styles

You can use these default styles out-of-the-box with a client like Mapbox GL JS, or you can customize them in Studio. You can also use the Basic or Monochrome template styles to create new styles. To start using one of these styles, click the New style button, then select the style that you want to use.

Available Mapbox tilesets

Data from tiles at the maxzoom are used when displaying the map at higher zoom levels. As with mapbox.com, client libraries can overzoom beyond the maxzoom level for a tileset to see data up to zoom level 22 (by default).

To take advantage of all features of Mapbox Studio, include Mapbox Streets v8 and Mapbox Countries v1 (which are selected by default) when you install Atlas.

Create a custom tileset

Atlas supports custom raster and vector tilesets in .mbtiles format. You can create your own tilesets using Tippecanoe, then import them into Atlas.

Docker Compose

To add a custom tileset to your Atlas installation:

  1. The tileset must be named atlas-user.<tileset-name>.mbtiles.
  2. Place the tileset in the mbtiles/ subdirectory of the Atlas install directory.
  3. Visit the Studio Tilesets page (for example, https://localhost:2999/studio/tilesets) to inspect and use your custom tileset.

Correctly named files that are stored in the mbtiles/ subdirectory will be listed in the Mapbox Studio Tilesets page.

You can also use SCP to upload files to a remote server with:

$ scp path/to/your/custom-tileset.mbtiles your-user@your-server.com:atlas-server/mbtiles/atlas-user.custom-tileset.mbtiles


To add a custom tileset to your Atlas installation:

  1. The tileset must be named atlas-user.<tileset-name>.mbtiles.
  2. Copy your tileset into the atlas-ddb container kubectl cp atlas-user.<tileset-name>.mbtiles <atlas-backend-pod-name>:/usr/local/src/atlas-ddb/mbtiles -c atlas-ddb
  3. Visit the Studio Tilesets page (for example, <your-atlas-url>/studio/tilesets) to inspect and use your custom tileset.