Advanced viewport gestures
import UIKit
import MapboxMaps
// This example configures the viewport so that when it's in the follow puck state,
// zoom and pitch gestures work alongside updates coming from the state itself.
// Single tap on the map to switch to the overview state.
// When trying this example in the simulator, choose Features > Location > Freeway Drive
// to get a good sense of the resulting user experience.
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
private enum State {
case following
case overview
private var state: State = .following {
didSet {
private var mapView: MapView!
private var followPuckViewportState: FollowPuckViewportState!
private var overviewViewportState: OverviewViewportState!
override func viewDidLoad() {
mapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds)
let cupertino = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.3230, longitude: -122.0322)
mapView.mapboxMap.setCamera(to: CameraOptions(center: cupertino, zoom: 14))
mapView.location.options.puckType = .puck2D(.makeDefault(showBearing: true))
mapView.location.options.puckBearing = .course
mapView.location.options.puckBearingEnabled = true
followPuckViewportState = mapView.viewport.makeFollowPuckViewportState(
options: FollowPuckViewportStateOptions(
bearing: .course))
overviewViewportState = mapView.viewport.makeOverviewViewportState(
options: OverviewViewportStateOptions(
geometry: Polygon(
center: cupertino,
radius: 20000,
vertices: 100)))
mapView.gestures.delegate = self
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// break strong reference cycle
private func toggleViewportState() {
switch state {
case .overview:
state = .following
case .following:
state = .overview
private func syncWithState() {
switch state {
case .following:
mapView.viewport.transition(to: followPuckViewportState)
case .overview:
mapView.viewport.transition(to: overviewViewportState)
mapView.viewport.options.transitionsToIdleUponUserInteraction = state == .overview
mapView.gestures.options.panEnabled = state == .overview
mapView.gestures.options.pinchEnabled = state == .overview
extension ViewController: GestureManagerDelegate {
func gestureManager(_ gestureManager: GestureManager, didBegin gestureType: GestureType) {
switch gestureType {
case .pitch:
if state == .following {
followPuckViewportState.options.pitch = nil
case .doubleTapToZoomIn, .doubleTouchToZoomOut, .quickZoom:
if state == .following {
followPuckViewportState.options.zoom = nil
func gestureManager(_ gestureManager: GestureManager, didEnd gestureType: GestureType, willAnimate: Bool) {
switch gestureType {
case .pitch:
if state == .following {
followPuckViewportState.options.pitch = mapView.mapboxMap.cameraState.pitch
case .quickZoom:
if state == .following {
followPuckViewportState.options.zoom = mapView.mapboxMap.cameraState.zoom
case .singleTap:
func gestureManager(_ gestureManager: GestureManager, didEndAnimatingFor gestureType: GestureType) {
switch gestureType {
case .doubleTapToZoomIn, .doubleTouchToZoomOut:
if state == .following {
followPuckViewportState.options.zoom = mapView.mapboxMap.cameraState.zoom
extension ViewController: ViewportStatusObserver {
func viewportStatusDidChange(
from fromStatus: ViewportStatus,
to toStatus: ViewportStatus,
reason: ViewportStatusChangeReason) {
print("Viewport.status changed\n from: \(fromStatus)\n to: \(toStatus)\n with reason: \(reason)")
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