Add view annotations connected to features
import UIKit
import MapboxMaps
import CoreLocation
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var mapView: MapView!
private var pointList: [Feature] = []
private var markerId = 0
private var annotations = [String: ViewAnnotation]()
private let image = UIImage(named: "intermediate-pin")!
private lazy var markerHeight: CGFloat = image.size.height
private var cancelables = Set<AnyCancelable>()
lazy var styleChangeButton: UIButton = {
let button = UIButton(type: .system)
button.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)
button.backgroundColor = .systemTeal
button.layer.cornerRadius = 8
button.clipsToBounds = true
button.setTitle("Change style", for: .normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(styleChangePressed(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)
button.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return button
override func viewDidLoad() {
let centerCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 39.7128, longitude: -75.0060)
let options = MapInitOptions(cameraOptions: CameraOptions(center: centerCoordinate, zoom: 7))
mapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds, mapInitOptions: options)
mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
mapView.mapboxMap.onMapLoaded.observeNext { [weak self] _ in
guard let self = self else { return }
}.store(in: &cancelables)
mapView.mapboxMap.onStyleLoaded.observe { [weak self, weak mapView] _ in
guard let self, let mapView else { return }
self.addMarker(at: mapView.mapboxMap.coordinate(for:, viewAnnotation: true)
}.store(in: &cancelables)
mapView.gestures.onMapLongPress.observe { [weak self] context in
self?.addMarker(at: context.coordinate)
}.store(in: &cancelables)
mapView.gestures.onLayerTap(Constants.LAYER_ID) { [weak self] feature, _ in
self?.handleMarkerTap(feature.feature) ?? false
}.store(in: &cancelables)
mapView.mapboxMap.styleURI = .streets
styleChangeButton.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: -32),
styleChangeButton.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.rightAnchor, constant: -16),
styleChangeButton.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 128)
private func handleMarkerTap(_ feature: Feature) -> Bool {
guard case let .string(id) = feature.identifier else { return false }
if let annotation = annotations[id] {
return true
return addViewAnnotation(to: feature)
@objc private func styleChangePressed(sender: UIButton) {
mapView.mapboxMap.styleURI = mapView.mapboxMap.styleURI == .streets ? .satelliteStreets : .streets
// MARK: - Style management
private func prepareStyle() {
try? mapView.mapboxMap.addImage(image, id: Constants.BLUE_ICON_ID)
var source = GeoJSONSource(id: Constants.SOURCE_ID) = .featureCollection(FeatureCollection(features: pointList))
try? mapView.mapboxMap.addSource(source)
if mapView.mapboxMap.styleURI == .satelliteStreets {
var demSource = RasterDemSource(id: "terrain-source")
demSource.url = Constants.TERRAIN_URL_TILE_RESOURCE
try? mapView.mapboxMap.addSource(demSource)
let terrain = Terrain(sourceId:
try? mapView.mapboxMap.setTerrain(terrain)
var layer = SymbolLayer(id: Constants.LAYER_ID, source: Constants.SOURCE_ID)
layer.iconImage = .constant(.name(Constants.BLUE_ICON_ID))
layer.iconAnchor = .constant(.bottom)
layer.iconOffset = .constant([0, 12])
layer.iconAllowOverlap = .constant(true)
try? mapView.mapboxMap.addLayer(layer)
// MARK: - Annotation management
// Add a marker to a custom GeoJSON source:
// This is an optional step to demonstrate the automatic alignment of view annotations
// with features in a data source
private func addMarker(at coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, viewAnnotation: Bool = false) {
let currentId = "\(Constants.MARKER_ID_PREFIX)\(markerId)"
markerId += 1
var feature = Feature(geometry: Point(coordinate))
feature.identifier = .string(currentId)
if (try? mapView.mapboxMap.source(withId: Constants.SOURCE_ID)) != nil {
mapView.mapboxMap.updateGeoJSONSource(withId: Constants.SOURCE_ID, geoJSON: .featureCollection(FeatureCollection(features: pointList)))
if viewAnnotation {
addViewAnnotation(to: feature)
// Add a view annotation at a specified location and optionally bind it to an ID of a marker
private func addViewAnnotation(to feature: Feature) -> Bool {
guard case let .string(id) = feature.identifier,
case let .point(point) = feature.geometry else { return false }
let annotationView = AnnotationView(frame: .zero)
annotationView.title = String(format: "lat=%.2f\nlon=%.2f", point.coordinates.latitude, point.coordinates.longitude)
let annotation = ViewAnnotation(
annotatedFeature: .layerFeature(layerId: Constants.LAYER_ID, featureId: id),
view: annotationView)
annotation.variableAnchors = [ViewAnnotationAnchorConfig(anchor: .bottom, offsetY: markerHeight - 12)]
annotationView.onClose = { [weak annotation, weak self] in
self?.annotations.removeValue(forKey: id)
annotationView.onSelect = { [weak annotation] selected in
annotation?.selected = selected
annotations[id] = annotation
return true
extension ViewController {
private enum Constants {
static let BLUE_ICON_ID = "blue"
static let SOURCE_ID = "source_id"
static let LAYER_ID = "layer_id"
static let TERRAIN_URL_TILE_RESOURCE = "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-terrain-dem-v1"
static let MARKER_ID_PREFIX = "view_annotation_"
static let SELECTED_ADD_COEF_PX: CGFloat = 50
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