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Add cluster point annotations

Show fire hydrants in Washington DC area in a cluster using point annotations.
import UIKit
import MapboxMaps

final class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var mapView: MapView!
private let clusterLayerID = "fireHydrantClusters"
private var cancelables = Set<AnyCancelable>()

override func viewDidLoad() {

// Center the map over Washington, D.C.
let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 38.889215, longitude: -77.039354)
let cameraOptions = CameraOptions(center: center, zoom: 11)
let mapInitOptions = MapInitOptions(cameraOptions: cameraOptions, styleURI: .light)
mapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds, mapInitOptions: mapInitOptions)
mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]


// Add a tap gesture handler for clustering layer.
let circleClusterLayerId = "mapbox-iOS-cluster-circle-layer-manager-" + clusterLayerID
mapView.gestures.onLayerTap(circleClusterLayerId) { [weak self] queriedFeature, _ in
self?.handleClusterTap(queriedFeature: queriedFeature)
return true
}.store(in: &cancelables)

// Add the source and style layers once the map has loaded.
mapView.mapboxMap.onMapLoaded.observeNext { _ in
}.store(in: &cancelables)

func addPointAnnotations() {
// The image named `fire-station-11` is included in the app's Assets.xcassets bundle.
let image = UIImage(named: "fire-station-11")!
// Fire_Hydrants.geojson contains information about fire hydrants in Washington, D.C.
// It was downloaded on 6/10/21 from
// Decode the GeoJSON into a feature collection on a background thread
_ = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Fire_Hydrants", withExtension: "geojson")! .userInitiated).async {
guard let featureCollection = try? self.decodeGeoJSON(from: "Fire_Hydrants") else {

// Create an array of annotations for each fire hydrant
var annotations = [PointAnnotation]()
for feature in featureCollection.features {
guard let geometry = feature.geometry, case let Geometry.point(point) = geometry else {
var pointAnnotation = PointAnnotation(coordinate: point.coordinates)
pointAnnotation.image = .init(image: image, name: "fire-station-11")
pointAnnotation.tapHandler = { [id =] _ in
print("tapped annotation: \(id)")
return true
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.createClusters(annotations: annotations)

func createClusters(annotations: [PointAnnotation]) {
// Use a step expressions (
// with three steps to implement three sizes of circles:
// * 25 when point count is less than 50
// * 30 when point count is between 50 and 100
// * 35 when point count is greater than or equal to 100
let circleRadiusExpression = Exp(.step) {
Exp(.get) {"point_count"}

// Use a similar expression to get different colors of circles:
// * yellow when point count is less than 10
// * green when point count is between 10 and 50
// * cyan when point count is between 50 and 100
// * red when point count is between 100 and 150
// * orange when point count is between 150 and 250
// * light pink when point count is greater than or equal to 250
let circleColorExpression = Exp(.step) {
Exp(.get) {"point_count"}

// Create expression to get the total count of hydrants in a cluster
let sumExpression = Exp {
Exp(.sum) {
Exp(.get) { "sum" }

// Create a cluster property to add to each cluster
let clusterProperties: [String: Expression] = [
"sum": sumExpression

// If a feature has the point_count property then prepend "Count:" and display the sum of hydrants in the cluster
// The sum property is added here for demonstration, you can use the built-in "point_count"
// property instead: Exp(.get) {"point_count"}
let textFieldExpression = Exp(.switchCase) {
Exp(.has) { "point_count" }
Exp(.concat) {
Exp(.string) { "Count:\n" }
Exp(.get) {"sum"}
Exp(.string) { "" }

// Select the options for clustering and pass them to the PointAnnotationManager to display
let clusterOptions = ClusterOptions(circleRadius: .expression(circleRadiusExpression),
circleColor: .expression(circleColorExpression),
textColor: .constant(StyleColor(.black)),
textField: .expression(textFieldExpression),
clusterRadius: 75,
clusterProperties: clusterProperties)
let pointAnnotationManager = mapView.annotations.makePointAnnotationManager(id: clusterLayerID, clusterOptions: clusterOptions)
pointAnnotationManager.annotations = annotations

// Additional properties on the text and circle layers can be modified like this below
// To modify the text layer use: "mapbox-iOS-cluster-text-layer-manager-" and SymbolLayer.self
do {
try mapView.mapboxMap.updateLayer(withId: "mapbox-iOS-cluster-circle-layer-manager-" + clusterLayerID, type: CircleLayer.self) { layer in
layer.circleStrokeColor = .constant(StyleColor(.black))
layer.circleStrokeWidth = .constant(3)
} catch {
print("Updating the layer failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")


// If the tapped feature it is a cluster get the center and zoom level it expands at
// then move the camera there.
func handleClusterTap(queriedFeature: QueriedFeature) {
let cluster = queriedFeature.feature
let sourceID = clusterLayerID
if case let .point(clusterCenter) = cluster.geometry {
mapView.mapboxMap.getGeoJsonClusterExpansionZoom(forSourceId: sourceID, feature: cluster) { [weak self] result in
switch result {
case .success(let zoomLevel):
let cameraOptions = CameraOptions(center: clusterCenter.coordinates, zoom: zoomLevel.value as? CGFloat)
self? cameraOptions, duration: 1)
case .failure(let error):
print("An error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription). Please try another cluster.")

// Load GeoJSON file from local bundle and decode into a `FeatureCollection`.
func decodeGeoJSON(from fileName: String) throws -> FeatureCollection? {
guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName, ofType: "geojson") else {
preconditionFailure("File '\(fileName)' not found.")
let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
var featureCollection: FeatureCollection?
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: filePath)
featureCollection = try JSONDecoder().decode(FeatureCollection.self, from: data)
} catch {
print("Error parsing data: \(error)")
return featureCollection
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