
SwiftUI - Standard style import

This example showcases StyleImport to combine multiple styles when using the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS in a SwiftUI environment. The StandardStyleImportExample struct defines a view that includes a map with customizable styling options. Users can choose a theme (Default, Faded, Monochrome), adjust the light preset (Dawn, Day, Dusk, Night, None), toggle label visibility, show real estate information, and display 3D objects on the map. A settings panel allows users to adjust these styling options interactively.

StyleImport is called a first time to import the Mapbox Standard Style, specifying parameters like theme, light preset, label visibility, and 3D object display. Enabling the showRealEstate option calls StyleImport again to import an additional style which overlays real estate information on the map.

iOS Examples App Available

This example code is part of the Maps SDK for iOS Examples App, a working iOS project available on Github. iOS developers are encouraged to run the examples app locally to interact with this example in an emulator and explore other features of the Maps SDK.

See our Run the Maps SDK for iOS Examples App tutorial for step-by-step instructions.

import SwiftUI
@_spi(Experimental) import MapboxMaps

struct StandardStyleImportExample: View {
@State private var lightPreset: StandardLightPreset? = .night
@State private var theme: StandardTheme? = .default
@State private var showLabels = true
@State private var panelHeight: CGFloat = 0
@State private var showRealEstate = true
@State private var show3DObjects = true
@State private var selectedPriceLabel: FeaturesetFeature?

var body: some View {
Map(initialViewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 40.72, longitude: -73.99), zoom: 11, pitch: 45)) {
if showRealEstate {
/// When real estate is enabled, we import it's style JSON as a separate fragment.
/// This enables the greater encapsulation and allows to reload the basemap without reloading of the fragment.
let importId = "real-estate-fragment"
StyleImport(id: importId, uri: StyleURI(url: styleURL)!)

/// The contents of the imported style are private, meaning all the implementation details such as layers and sources are not accessible at runtime.
/// However the style defines a "hotels-price" featureset that represents a portion of features available for interaction.
/// Using Interactions API you can add interactions to featuresets.
/// See `fragment-realestate-NY.json` for more information.
TapInteraction(.featureset("hotels-price", importId: importId)) { priceLabel, _ in
/// Select a price label when it's clicked
selectedPriceLabel = priceLabel
return true

/// An interaction without specified featureset handles all corresponding events that haven't been handled by other interactions.
TapInteraction { _ in
/// When the user taps the map outside of the price labels, deselect the latest selected label.
selectedPriceLabel = nil
return true

if let selectedPriceLabel, let coordinate = selectedPriceLabel.geometry.point?.coordinates {
/// When there's a selected price label, we use it to set a feature state.
/// The `hidden` state is implemented in `fragment-realestate-NY.json` and hides label and icon.
FeatureState(selectedPriceLabel, ["hidden": true])

/// Instead of label we show a callout annotation with animation.
MapViewAnnotation(coordinate: coordinate) {
HotelCallout(feature: selectedPriceLabel)
/// The `id` makes the view to be re-created for each unique feature
/// so appearing animation plays each time.
.variableAnchors([.init(anchor: .bottom)])

/// Defines a custom layer and source to draw the border line.
theme: theme,
lightPreset: lightPreset,
showPointOfInterestLabels: showLabels,
showTransitLabels: showLabels,
showPlaceLabels: showLabels,
showRoadLabels: showLabels,
show3dObjects: show3DObjects))
.additionalSafeAreaInsets(.bottom, panelHeight)
.overlay(alignment: .bottom) {
settingsPanel.onChangeOfSize { panelHeight = $0.height }

var settingsPanel: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
HStack {
Picker("Theme", selection: $theme) {
HStack {
Picker("Light preset", selection: $lightPreset) {
Toggle("Labels", isOn: $showLabels)
Toggle("Show Real Estate", isOn: $showRealEstate)
Toggle("Show 3D Objects", isOn: $show3DObjects)
.floating(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))

private struct HotelCallout: View {
var feature: FeaturesetFeature

@State private var scale: CGFloat = 0.1

var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
Text(feature.name ?? "—")
Text(feature.price ?? "—")

/// For callout shape see CalloutView.swift
.callout(anchor: .bottom, color: .white, tailSize: 10)
.scaleEffect(scale, anchor: .bottom)
.onAppear {
withAnimation(Animation.interpolatingSpring(stiffness: 200, damping: 16)) {
scale = 1.0

private struct NYNJBorder: MapContent {
var body: some MapContent {
GeoJSONSource(id: "border")
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.913503418907936, longitude: -73.91912400100642),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.82943110786286, longitude: -73.9615887363045),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.75461056309348, longitude: -74.01409059085539),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.69522028220487, longitude: -74.02798814058939),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.65188756398558, longitude: -74.05655532615407),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.64339339389301, longitude: -74.13916853846217),

LineLayer(id: "border", source: "border")

private extension FeaturesetFeature {
var price: String? { properties["price"]??.number.map { "$ \($0)" } }
var name: String? { properties["name"]??.string }

private let styleURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "fragment-realestate-NY", withExtension: "json")!

struct StandardStyleImportExample_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {