
SwiftUI - Locations

New look of locations, configure Standard style parameters.
import MapboxMaps
import SwiftUI

@available(iOS 14.0, *)
struct StandardStyleLocationsExample: View {
/// This model is created in root application views for each platform:
/// - ``VisionOSMain`` for visionOS
/// - ``SwiftUIWrapper`` view for iOS
@EnvironmentObject var model: StandardStyleLocationsModel
@State private var settingsHeight: CGFloat = 0

#if swift(>=5.9) && os(visionOS)
@Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow
@Environment(\.dismissWindow) var dismissWindow

var style: MapStyle {
switch model.style {
case .standard:
theme: model.theme,
lightPreset: model.lightPreset,
showPointOfInterestLabels: model.poi,
showTransitLabels: model.transitLabels,
showPlaceLabels: model.placeLabels,
showRoadLabels: model.roadLabels,
show3dObjects: model.show3DObjects)
case .standardSatellite:
lightPreset: model.lightPreset,
showPointOfInterestLabels: model.poi,
showTransitLabels: model.transitLabels,
showPlaceLabels: model.placeLabels,
showRoadLabels: model.roadLabels,
showRoadsAndTransit: model.showRoadsAndTransit,
showPedestrianRoads: model.showPedestrianRoads)

var body: some View {
Map(viewport: $model.viewport)
// Center of the map will be translated in order to accommodate settings panel
.additionalSafeAreaInsets(.bottom, settingsHeight)
#if swift(>=5.9) && os(visionOS)
.onAppear {
openWindow(id: "standard-style-locations-settings")
.onDisappear {
dismissWindow(id: "standard-style-locations-settings")
// On iOS the settings pane will be placed in an overlay view.
.safeOverlay(alignment: .bottom) {
.floating(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))
.background(GeometryReader { proxy in
Color.clear.onAppear { settingsHeight = proxy.size.height }
.onChange(of: model.selectedBookmark) { newValue in
model.viewport = newValue.viewport

@available(iOS 14.0, *)
class StandardStyleLocationsModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var lightPreset: StandardLightPreset = .day
@Published var poi = true
@Published var transitLabels = true
@Published var placeLabels = true
@Published var roadLabels = true
@Published var showRoadsAndTransit = true
@Published var showPedestrianRoads = true
@Published var show3DObjects = true
@Published var selectedBookmark = Location.all.first!
@Published var viewport: Viewport = Location.all.first!.viewport
@Published var style: Style = .standard
@Published var theme: StandardTheme = .default

enum Style {
case standard
case standardSatellite

struct Location: Equatable, Identifiable {
var id: String { title }
var title: String
var viewport: Viewport

static let all = [
Location(title: "Globe", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 27.2, longitude: -26.9), zoom: 1.53, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Europe", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 47.29, longitude: 0), zoom: 3.28, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Paris", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 48.8603, longitude: 2.2932), zoom: 15.58, bearing: 337.89, pitch: 59.67)),
Location(title: "Japan", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 36.11, longitude: 138.239), zoom: 6.15, bearing: -85.9, pitch: 61)),
Location(title: "Washington DC", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 38.915, longitude: -76.972), zoom: 7.16, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Amsterdam", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 52.344, longitude: 4.89), zoom: 10.33, bearing: 0, pitch: 66)),
Location(title: "Brasília", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: -15.792, longitude: -47.888), zoom: 12.21, bearing: -25.8, pitch: 28)),
Location(title: "Chicago", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 41.8812, longitude: -87.62855), zoom: 14.12, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Brussels", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 50.8443, longitude: 4.364), zoom: 15.75, bearing: -113.6, pitch: 38)),
Location(title: "New York", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 40.7488, longitude: -73.9682), zoom: 16.41, bearing: 96.8, pitch: 38)),
Location(title: "San Diego", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 32.7062, longitude: -117.1595), zoom: 18.77, bearing: -53.1, pitch: 72))

@available(iOS 14.0, *)
struct StandardStyleLocationsSettings: View {
@EnvironmentObject var model: StandardStyleLocationsModel
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
SelectorView(data: StandardStyleLocationsModel.Location.all,
selection: $model.selectedBookmark) { b in
Picker("Style", selection: $model.style) {
Text("Standard Satellite").tag(StandardStyleLocationsModel.Style.standardSatellite)
HStack {
Picker("Light", selection: $model.lightPreset) {

if model.style == .standard {
HStack {
Picker("Theme", selection: $model.theme) {

ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
HStack {
Group {
Toggle("Poi", isOn: $model.poi)
Toggle("Transit", isOn: $model.transitLabels)
Toggle("Places", isOn: $model.placeLabels)
Toggle("Roads", isOn: $model.roadLabels)
switch model.style {
case .standard:
Toggle("3D Objects", isOn: $model.show3DObjects)
case .standardSatellite:
Toggle("Roads&Transit", isOn: $model.showRoadsAndTransit)
Toggle("Pedestrian roads", isOn: $model.showPedestrianRoads)


@available(iOS 13.0, *)
private struct SelectorView<T, Content>: View where T: RandomAccessCollection, T.Element: Identifiable, Content: View {
var data: T
var selection: T.Element
var content: (T.Element) -> Content

func select(_ offset: Int) {
guard let currentIdx = data.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == selection.id }) else { return }
var idx = data.index(currentIdx, offsetBy: offset)
if idx == data.endIndex {
idx = data.startIndex
} else if idx == data.index(before: data.startIndex) {
idx = data.index(before: data.endIndex)
selection = data[idx]

var body: some View {
HStack {
Button { select(-1) } label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.left")
Button { select(1) } label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.right")

private struct Pair<First, Second> {
var first: First
var second: Second
init(_ first: First, _ second: Second) {
self.first = first
self.second = second
extension Pair: Equatable where First: Equatable, Second: Equatable {}

@available(iOS 14.0, *)
struct StandardStyleLocationsExample_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {