SwiftUI - Mapbox Standard Style Settings
This example shows how to configure the Mapbox Standard Stylein a Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS SwiftUI application. The StandardStyleLocationsExample
view integrates a map with various customizable features such as point of interest labels, transit labels, place labels, road labels, and 3D objects. You can set the map style to either standard
or standard-satellite
with additional settings like light preset and theme. The view also includes a settings panel for adjusting these features, and users can select different predefined locations.
The StandardStyleLocationsModel
class maintains the state of the map settings and the selected location, allowing for seamless updates and interaction. On iOS, the settings panel is presented as an overlay view, while on visionOS, it is handled differently. The StandardStyleLocationsSettings
view provides an interface for changing the style, light settings, theme, and labels visibility. Users can adjust these settings using segmented pickers, toggles, and a scrolling view for labels.
This example code is part of the Maps SDK for iOS Examples App, a working iOS project available on Github. iOS developers are encouraged to run the examples app locally to interact with this example in an emulator and explore other features of the Maps SDK.
See our Run the Maps SDK for iOS Examples App tutorial for step-by-step instructions.
import MapboxMaps
import SwiftUI
struct StandardStyleLocationsExample: View {
/// This model is created in root application views for each platform:
/// - `VisionOSMain` for visionOS
/// - ``SwiftUIWrapper`` view for iOS
@EnvironmentObject var model: StandardStyleLocationsModel
@State private var settingsHeight: CGFloat = 0
#if swift(>=5.9) && os(visionOS)
@Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow
@Environment(\.dismissWindow) var dismissWindow
var style: MapStyle {
switch model.style {
case .standard:
theme: model.theme,
lightPreset: model.lightPreset,
font: model.font,
showPointOfInterestLabels: model.poi,
showTransitLabels: model.transitLabels,
showPlaceLabels: model.placeLabels,
showRoadLabels: model.roadLabels,
show3dObjects: model.show3DObjects,
colorRoads: StyleColor(UIColor(cgColor: model.roadsColor.cgColor!)))
case .standardSatellite:
lightPreset: model.lightPreset,
font: model.font,
showPointOfInterestLabels: model.poi,
showTransitLabels: model.transitLabels,
showPlaceLabels: model.placeLabels,
showRoadLabels: model.roadLabels,
showRoadsAndTransit: model.showRoadsAndTransit,
showPedestrianRoads: model.showPedestrianRoads,
colorRoads: StyleColor(UIColor(cgColor: model.roadsColor.cgColor!)))
var body: some View {
Map(viewport: $model.viewport)
// Center of the map will be translated in order to accommodate settings panel
.additionalSafeAreaInsets(.bottom, settingsHeight)
#if swift(>=5.9) && os(visionOS)
.onAppear {
openWindow(id: "standard-style-locations-settings")
.onDisappear {
dismissWindow(id: "standard-style-locations-settings")
// On iOS the settings pane will be placed in an overlay view.
.overlay(alignment: .bottom) {
.floating(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))
.background(GeometryReader { proxy in
Color.clear.onAppear { settingsHeight = proxy.size.height }
.onChange(of: model.selectedBookmark) { newValue in
model.viewport = newValue.viewport
class StandardStyleLocationsModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var lightPreset: StandardLightPreset = .day
@Published var poi = true
@Published var transitLabels = true
@Published var placeLabels = true
@Published var roadLabels = true
@Published var showRoadsAndTransit = true
@Published var showPedestrianRoads = true
@Published var show3DObjects = true
@Published var selectedBookmark = Location.all.first!
@Published var viewport: Viewport = Location.all.first!.viewport
@Published var style: Style = .standard
@Published var theme: StandardTheme = .default
@Published var font: StandardFont = .dinPro
@Published var roadsColor = Color(hue: 224, saturation: 0.25, brightness: 0.8)
enum Style {
case standard
case standardSatellite
struct Location: Equatable, Identifiable {
var id: String { title }
var title: String
var viewport: Viewport
static let all = [
Location(title: "Globe", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 27.2, longitude: -26.9), zoom: 1.53, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Europe", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 47.29, longitude: 0), zoom: 3.28, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Paris", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 48.8603, longitude: 2.2932), zoom: 15.58, bearing: 337.89, pitch: 59.67)),
Location(title: "Japan", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 36.11, longitude: 138.239), zoom: 6.15, bearing: -85.9, pitch: 61)),
Location(title: "Washington DC", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 38.915, longitude: -76.972), zoom: 7.16, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Amsterdam", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 52.344, longitude: 4.89), zoom: 10.33, bearing: 0, pitch: 66)),
Location(title: "Brasília", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: -15.792, longitude: -47.888), zoom: 12.21, bearing: -25.8, pitch: 28)),
Location(title: "Chicago", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 41.8812, longitude: -87.62855), zoom: 14.12, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)),
Location(title: "Brussels", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 50.8443, longitude: 4.364), zoom: 15.75, bearing: -113.6, pitch: 38)),
Location(title: "New York", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 40.7488, longitude: -73.9682), zoom: 16.41, bearing: 96.8, pitch: 38)),
Location(title: "San Diego", viewport: .camera(center: .init(latitude: 32.7062, longitude: -117.1595), zoom: 18.77, bearing: -53.1, pitch: 72))
struct StandardStyleLocationsSettings: View {
@EnvironmentObject var model: StandardStyleLocationsModel
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
SelectorView(data: StandardStyleLocationsModel.Location.all,
selection: $model.selectedBookmark) { b in
Picker("Style", selection: $model.style) {
Text("Standard Satellite").tag(StandardStyleLocationsModel.Style.standardSatellite)
HStack {
Picker("Light", selection: $model.lightPreset) {
if model.style == .standard {
HStack {
Picker("Theme", selection: $model.theme) {
HStack {
Picker("Font", selection: $model.font) {
Text("Alegreya SC").tag(StandardFont.alegreyaSc)
Text("DIN Pro").tag(StandardFont.dinPro)
Text("EB Garamond").tag(StandardFont.ebGaramond)
Text("Frank Ruhl Libre").tag(StandardFont.frankRuhlLibre)
Text("League Mono").tag(StandardFont.leagueMono)
Text("Noto Sans CJK JP").tag(StandardFont.notoSansCjkJp)
Text("Open Sans").tag(StandardFont.openSans)
Text("Roboto Mono").tag(StandardFont.robotoMono)
Text("Source Code Pro").tag(StandardFont.sourceCodePro)
Text("Source Sans Pro").tag(StandardFont.sourceSansPro)
ColorPicker("Roads Color", selection: $model.roadsColor)
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
HStack {
Group {
Toggle("Poi", isOn: $model.poi)
Toggle("Transit", isOn: $model.transitLabels)
Toggle("Places", isOn: $model.placeLabels)
Toggle("Roads", isOn: $model.roadLabels)
switch model.style {
case .standard:
Toggle("3D Objects", isOn: $model.show3DObjects)
case .standardSatellite:
Toggle("Roads&Transit", isOn: $model.showRoadsAndTransit)
Toggle("Pedestrian roads", isOn: $model.showPedestrianRoads)
private struct SelectorView<T, Content>: View where T: RandomAccessCollection, T.Element: Identifiable, Content: View {
var data: T
var selection: T.Element
var content: (T.Element) -> Content
func select(_ offset: Int) {
guard let currentIdx = data.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == selection.id }) else { return }
var idx = data.index(currentIdx, offsetBy: offset)
if idx == data.endIndex {
idx = data.startIndex
} else if idx == data.index(before: data.startIndex) {
idx = data.index(before: data.endIndex)
selection = data[idx]
var body: some View {
HStack {
Button { select(-1) } label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.left")
Button { select(1) } label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.right")
private struct Pair<First, Second> {
var first: First
var second: Second
init(_ first: First, _ second: Second) {
self.first = first
self.second = second
extension Pair: Equatable where First: Equatable, Second: Equatable {}
struct StandardStyleLocationsExample_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {