
Add a sky layer

Add a customizable sky layer to simulate natural lighting with a Terrain layer.
import UIKit
import MapboxMaps

final class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var mapView: MapView!
private var skyLayer: SkyLayer!
private var segmentedControl = UISegmentedControl()
private var cancelables = Set<AnyCancelable>()

override func viewDidLoad() {

// Set the initial camera and style URI by creating a `MapInitOptions` object.
let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 35.67283, longitude: 127.60597)
let cameraOptions = CameraOptions(center: center, zoom: 12.5, pitch: 83)
var styleURI: StyleURI?
if let url = URL(string: "mapbox://styles/mapbox-map-design/ckhqrf2tz0dt119ny6azh975y") {
styleURI = StyleURI(url: url)
let mapInitOptions = MapInitOptions(cameraOptions: cameraOptions, styleURI: styleURI ?? .satelliteStreets)

mapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds, mapInitOptions: mapInitOptions)
mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]


// Add a `UISegmentedControl` that toggles the sky layer type between `gradient` and `atmosphere`.

// Add a custom `SkyLayer` once the map's style is finished loading.
mapView.mapboxMap.onStyleLoaded.observeNext { _ in

// Add a terrain layer.

}.store(in: &cancelables)

func addSkyLayer() {
// Initialize a sky layer with a sky type of `gradient`, which applies a gradient effect to the sky.
// Read more about sky layer types on the Mapbox blog: https://www.mapbox.com/blog/sky-api-atmospheric-scattering-algorithm-for-3d-maps
skyLayer = SkyLayer(id: "sky-layer")
skyLayer.skyType = .constant(.gradient)

// Define the position of the sun.
// The azimuthal angle indicates the sun's position relative to 0 degrees north. When the map's bearing
// is `0` and the azimuthal angle is `0`, the sun will appear horizontally centered.
let azimuthalAngle: Double = 0

// Indicates the sun's position relative to the horizon. A value of `90` places the sun's center at the
// horizon line. Lower values place the sun below the horizon line, while higher values place the sun's
// center further above the horizon line.
let polarAngle: Double = 90
skyLayer.skyAtmosphereSun = .constant([azimuthalAngle, polarAngle])

// The intensity or brightness of the sun.
skyLayer.skyAtmosphereSunIntensity = .constant(10)

// Set the sky's color to light blue with a light pink halo effect.
skyLayer.skyAtmosphereColor = .constant(StyleColor(.skyBlue))
skyLayer.skyAtmosphereHaloColor = .constant(StyleColor(.lightPink))

do {
try mapView.mapboxMap.addLayer(skyLayer)
} catch {
print("Failed to add sky layer to the map's style.")

// Update the sky type when the `UISegmentedControl` value is changed.
@objc func updateSkyLayer() {
var skyType: Value<SkyType>
if segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 0 {
skyType = .constant(.gradient)
} else {
skyType = .constant(.atmosphere)

// Update the sky layer based on the updated segmented control value.
do {
try mapView.mapboxMap.updateLayer(withId: skyLayer.id, type: SkyLayer.self) { layer in
layer.skyType = skyType
} catch {
print("Failed to update the sky type for layer with id \(skyLayer.id).")

func addTerrainLayer() {
// Add a `RasterDEMSource`. This will be used to create and add a terrain layer.
var demSource = RasterDemSource(id: "mapbox-dem")
demSource.url = "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-terrain-dem-v1"
demSource.tileSize = 514
demSource.maxzoom = 14.0
try! mapView.mapboxMap.addSource(demSource)

var terrain = Terrain(sourceId: demSource.id)
terrain.exaggeration = .constant(1.5)

do {
try mapView.mapboxMap.setTerrain(terrain)
} catch {
print("Failed to add a terrain layer to the map's style.")

func addSegmentedControl() {
segmentedControl = UISegmentedControl(items: ["Gradient", "Atmosphere"])
segmentedControl.backgroundColor = .lightGray
segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0
segmentedControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(updateSkyLayer), for: .valueChanged)
view.insertSubview(segmentedControl, aboveSubview: mapView)

segmentedControl.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
let safeArea = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
segmentedControl.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeArea.bottomAnchor, constant: -80),
segmentedControl.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeArea.centerXAnchor)

// An extension to store sky color values.
extension UIColor {
static var skyBlue: UIColor {
return UIColor(red: 0.53, green: 0.81, blue: 0.92, alpha: 1.00)

static var lightPink: UIColor {
return UIColor(red: 1.00, green: 0.82, blue: 0.88, alpha: 1.00)