Other Classes

The following classes are available globally.

  • Options for calculating results from the Mapbox Directions service.

    You do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, create instances of MatchOptions or RouteOptions.

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    open class DirectionsOptions : Codable
    extension DirectionsOptions: Equatable
  • A DirectionsResult represents a result returned from either the Mapbox Directions service.

    You do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, you receive Route or Match objects when you request directions using the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) or Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:) method.

    See more



    open class DirectionsResult : Codable
    extension DirectionsResult: CustomStringConvertible
  • Options for calculating contours from the Mapbox Isochrone service.

    See more



    public class IsochroneOptions
  • Computes areas that are reachable within a specified amount of time or distance from a location, and returns the reachable regions as contours of polygons or lines that you can display on a map.

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    open class Isochrones
  • An instruction about an upcoming RouteStep’s maneuver, optimized for speech synthesis.

    The instruction is provided in two formats: plain text and text marked up according to the Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML). Use a speech synthesizer such as AVSpeechSynthesizer or Amazon Polly to read aloud the instruction.

    The distanceAlongStep property is measured from the beginning of the step associated with this object. By contrast, the text and ssmlText properties refer to the details in the following step. It is also possible for the instruction to refer to two following steps simultaneously when needed for safe navigation.

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    open class SpokenInstruction : Codable
    extension SpokenInstruction: Equatable
  • The contents of a banner that should be displayed as added visual guidance for a route. The banner instructions are children of the steps during which they should be displayed, but they refer to the maneuver in the following step.

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    open class VisualInstruction : Codable
    extension VisualInstruction: Equatable
  • A visual instruction banner contains all the information necessary for creating a visual cue about a given RouteStep.

    See more



    open class VisualInstructionBanner : Codable
    extension VisualInstructionBanner: Equatable