• The MGLAnnotationImage class is responsible for presenting point-based annotations visually on a map view. Annotation image objects wrap UIImage objects and may be recycled later and put into a reuse queue that is maintained by the map view.

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    @interface MGLAnnotationImage : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>


    class MGLAnnotationImage
  • The MGLAnnotationView class is responsible for marking a point annotation with a view. Annotation views represent an annotation object, which is an object that corresponds to the MGLAnnotation protocol. When an annotation’s geographic coordinate is visible in the map view, the map view asks its delegate to a corresponding annotation view. If an annotation view is created with a reuse identifier, the map view may recycle the view when it goes offscreen.

    Annotation views are compatible with UIKit, Core Animation, and other Cocoa Touch frameworks. On the other hand, if you do not need animation or interactivity such as dragging, you can use an MGLAnnotationImage instead to conserve memory and optimize drawing performance.

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    @interface MGLAnnotationView : UIView <NSSecureCoding>


    class MGLAnnotationView
  • The MGLUserLocation class defines a specific type of annotation that identifies the user’s current location. You do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, you retrieve an existing MGLUserLocation object from the userLocation property of the map view displayed in your application.

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    @interface MGLUserLocation : NSObject <MGLAnnotation, NSSecureCoding>


    class MGLUserLocation : NSObject, MGLAnnotation, NSSecureCoding