Inherits from RMShapeAnnotation : RMAnnotation : NSObject
Declared in RMPolygonAnnotation.h


An RMPolygonAnnotation is a concrete subclass of RMShapeAnnotation that is used to represent a shape consisting of one or more points that define a closed polygon. The points are connected end-to-end in the order they are provided. The first and last points are connected to each other to create the closed shape. The annotation will automatically have a layer created when needed that displays an RMShape.

When creating a polygon, you can mask out portions of the polygon by specifying one or more interior polygons. Areas that are masked by an interior polygon are not considered part of the polygon’s occupied area.

If you wish to customize the layer appearance in more detail, you should instead create an RMAnnotation and configure its layer directly. Providing a layer manually for instances of RMPolygonAnnotation will not have any effect.



The array of polygons nested inside the receiver. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSArray *interiorPolygons


The array of polygons nested inside the receiver. (read-only)

When a polygon is rendered on screen, the area occupied by any interior polygons is masked out and not considered part of the polygon.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Initialize a polygon annotation.

- (id)initWithMapView:(RMMapView *)aMapView points:(NSArray *)points interiorPolygons:(NSArray *)interiorPolygons



The map view on which to place the annotation.


An array of CLLocation points defining the polygon. The data in this array is copied to the new object.


An array of RMPolygonAnnotation objects that define one or more cutout regions for the receiver’s polygon.

Return Value

An initialized polygon annotation object, or nil if an annotation was unable to be initialized.


Initialize a polygon annotation.

Declared In
