Get started with the Isochrone API

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Get started with the Isochrone API

This tutorial demonstrates how you can use the Mapbox Isochrone API, which uses Mapbox routing profiles and travel times, to create a web app that allows users to estimate how far they could travel by foot, bicycle, or car within a set amount of time.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • A Mapbox access token. Your Mapbox access tokens are on the Access Token page of your Developer Console.
  • Mapbox GL JS. Mapbox GL JS is a JavaScript API for building web maps.
  • Mapbox Isochrone API. The Isochrone API computes areas that are reachable within a specified amount of time from a location, and returns the reachable regions as contours of polygons or lines that you can display on a map.
  • Mapbox Assembly. Assembly is an open source CSS framework you will use to style the user interface for your app.
  • A text editor. Use the text editor of your choice for writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with front-end development concepts.

Using the Isochrone API

An Isochrone API request requires three parameters:

  • profile: The Mapbox routing profile that the query should use. This can be walking for pedestrian and hiking travel times, cycling for travel times by bicycle, or driving for travel times by car.
  • coordinates: A {longitude,latitude} coordinate pair around which to center the isochrone lines.
  • contours_minutes: Times that describe the duration in minutes of the trip. This can be a comma-separated list of up to four times. The maximum duration is 60 minutes.{profile}/{coordinates}.json?{contours_minutes}&access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN

The Isochrone API also accepts several optional parameters that can be used to customize the query. For this app, you will be using one optional parameter:

  • polygons: This parameter specifies whether to return the contours as GeoJSON polygons or linestrings. When polygons=true, any contour that forms a ring is returned as a polygon.

To learn more about the Isochrone API and its other optional parameters, explore the Isochrone API documentation.

This example query uses the driving routing profile, has a contours_minutes of 15, and has the polygons parameter set to true:,32.71204?contours_minutes=15&polygons=true&access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN

To see the JSON response to this query, you can paste it into your browser. The response's geometry object contains an array of coordinates that describe the outlines of the isochrone contour. The response also contains a features object that describes styling rules for drawing the polygon, including its fill color and fill opacity. You will use the information returned by the Isochrone API to draw and style the contours of the returned isochrone to the app's map.

Create a map

To start the app, you will create a map using Mapbox GL JS.

This code creates the structure of the page and imports Mapbox GL JS and Assembly in the <head> of the page. The Mapbox GL JS JavaScript and CSS files allow you to use Mapbox GL JS functionality and map style, and the Assembly CSS framework allows you to further refine the style of the non-map elements on the page.

There is a <div> element with the ID map in the <body> of the page. This <div> is the container in which the map will be displayed on the page.

Follow these steps to add the map:

  1. Open your text editor.
  2. Create a new file named index.html.
  3. Set up this new HTML file by pasting the following code into your text editor.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Open the HTML file in your browser to see the rendered map, which is centered on the Mapbox headquarters in Washington D.C.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Get started with the Isochrone API</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
{/* Import Mapbox GL JS */}
<script src=""></script>
{/* Import Assembly */}
<script src=""></script>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

#map {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;

{/* Create a container for the map */}
<div id="map"></div>

// Add your Mapbox access token
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN ';
const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map', // Specify the container ID
'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v12', // Specify which map style to use
center: [-77.0369, 38.895], // Specify the starting position
zoom: 11.5 // Specify the starting zoom
Screenshot showing a Mapbox GL JS map rendered in the browser

Add the sidebar

Next, add a sidebar to the web app that will allow users to select a transportation profile and time duration:

  1. Add a new <div> by copying and pasting the code below into the <body> of your HTML.
    • This <div> holds the app's options and uses Assembly classes for styling.
    • This code and the Assembly classes applied to it create a sidebar that contains toggle buttons that users will be able to select their desired mode of transportation (walking, cycling, or driving) and the amount of time to spend (10, 20, or 30 minutes).
  2. Save your work and refresh the page.

The sidebar will display on the left side of the page. While it looks good, clicking the buttons doesn't do anything — yet. In the next step, you will add a call to the Isochrone API, which you will be able to hook up to the user interface to create an interactive app.

<div class="absolute fl my24 mx24 py24 px24 bg-gray-faint round">
<form id="params">
<h4 class="txt-m txt-bold mb6">Choose a travel mode:</h4>
<div class="mb12 mr12 toggle-group align-center">
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="profile" type="radio" value="walking" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">Walking</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="profile" type="radio" value="cycling" checked />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">Cycling</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="profile" type="radio" value="driving" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">Driving</div>
<h4 class="txt-m txt-bold mb6">Choose a maximum duration:</h4>
<div class="mb12 mr12 toggle-group align-center">
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="duration" type="radio" value="10" checked />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">10 min</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="duration" type="radio" value="20" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">20 min</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="duration" type="radio" value="30" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">30 min</div>
Using Assembly to style your app

The code for the form uses Assembly classes. These classes provide CSS styling for the specified elements. For example, applying the classes absolute fl my24 mx24 py24 px24 bg-gray-faint round to the parent div sets its position to absolute and floats it to the left, gives it margin and padding of 24 pixels, sets the background to a light gray, and adds a border radius to round the corners. In your own app, you could also use plain CSS or the CSS framework of your choice to style the sidebar and the buttons instead of using Assembly.

Screenshot showing a sidebar with buttons for driving profiles and trip durations

Add the Isochrone API

To integrate the Isochrone API into your app, you will write a new function, getIso, that will construct the query string and will use fetch to make the Isochrone API call.

  1. Add the following code to your JavaScript, after the map constant that you used to initialize the map.
  2. Save your work and refresh the page, and open your browser's developer tools panel. You will see the Isochrone API response object printed out to the console.

Since you have not set up the layers yet this code will draw the isochrone contour described in the response to the map, this code prints the results of the query to the console.

// Create constants to use in getIso()
const urlBase = '';
const lon = -77.034;
const lat = 38.899;
const profile = 'cycling'; // Set the default routing profile
const minutes = 10; // Set the default duration

// Create a function that sets up the Isochrone API query then makes an fetch call
async function getIso() {
const query = await fetch(
{ method: 'GET' }
const data = await query.json();

// Call the getIso function
// You will remove this later - it's just here so you can see the console.log results in this step
Screenshot showing the results of the Isochrone API request logged to the console

Draw the isochrone contour

In the last step, you created a console.log statement to view the API response. But for this app, you want to show the isochrone contours on the map!

  1. To do this, remove the getIso(); call from the bottom of your JavaScript and replace it with the code from below.
    • This will set up a new source and a new layer. Learn more about the addSource and addLayer methods in the Mapbox GL JS documentation.
map.on('load', () => {
// When the map loads, add the source and layer
map.addSource('iso', {
type: 'geojson',
data: {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: []

id: 'isoLayer',
type: 'fill',
// Use "iso" as the data source for this layer
source: 'iso',
layout: {},
paint: {
// The fill color for the layer is set to a light purple
'fill-color': '#5a3fc0',
'fill-opacity': 0.3

// Make the API call
  1. Next, swap the console.log(data) statement in the getIso function with the following code, which will set the iso source to the data returned by the API call:
// Set the 'iso' source's data to what's returned by the API query
  1. Save your changes and refresh the page in your browser. An isochrone contour for the hardcoded parameters (the cycling routing profile and a trip duration of 10 minutes) is added to the map.
Screenshot showing the isochrone contour drawn on the map

Make the app interactive

Now, you need to hook the buttons that you created earlier up to your JavaScript so that users can change the routing profile and the trip duration and see the results displayed on the map. Add the following code to the bottom of your JavaScript, before the closing </script> tag:

// Target the "params" form in the HTML portion of your code
const params = document.getElementById('params');

// When a user changes the value of profile or duration by clicking a button, change the parameter's value and make the API query again
params.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
if ( === 'profile') {
profile =;
} else if ( === 'duration') {
minutes =;

Now, when you click the buttons to change the routing profile or the trip duration, the event listener sets the parameter in the query to the new value and runs the getIso function again. This in turn redraws the new isochrone contours to the map.

Save your changes and refresh the page in your browser. Click on different combinations of routing profiles and trip durations to see the isochrone contour change.

Screenshot showing the isochrone contour has changed when the routing profile and duration buttons are used

Add a marker

Now you will add a marker to your map at the coordinates of the query to make the center of the isochrone contour more distinct. In this case, the coordinates used represent the location of the Mapbox office in Washington D.C.

To add the marker follow these steps:

  1. Add the following code to your JavaScript, before the map.on('load') function:
const marker = new mapboxgl.Marker({
color: '#314ccd'

// Create a LngLat object to use in the marker initialization
const lngLat = {
lon: lon,
lat: lat
  1. Draw the marker on the map when the map loads by adding the following code inside of your map.on('load') function:
// Initialize the marker at the query coordinates
  1. Save your work and refresh the page.

You will now see a blue marker at the specified coordinates.

Screenshot showing a map with an isochrone contour and a marker at the query coordinates

Final product

You have created an app that uses the Mapbox Isochrone API to visualize how far a person could walk, bike, or drive within a given amount of time.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Demo: Get started with the Isochrone API</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<!-- Mapbox GL JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Mapbox Assembly -->
<script src=""></script>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

#map {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;

<div id="map"></div>

<div class="absolute fl my24 mx24 py24 px24 bg-gray-faint round">
<form id="params">
<h4 class="txt-m txt-bold mb6">Choose a travel mode:</h4>
<div class="mb12 mr12 toggle-group align-center">
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="profile" type="radio" value="walking" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">Walking</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="profile" type="radio" value="cycling" checked />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">Cycling</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="profile" type="radio" value="driving" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">Driving</div>
<h4 class="txt-m txt-bold mb6">Choose a maximum duration:</h4>
<div class="mb12 mr12 toggle-group align-center">
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="duration" type="radio" value="10" checked />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">10 min</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="duration" type="radio" value="20" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">20 min</div>
<label class="toggle-container">
<input name="duration" type="radio" value="30" />
<div class="toggle toggle--active-null toggle--null">30 min</div>

mapboxgl.accessToken = '{{MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN}}';

const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map', // container id
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v12', // stylesheet
center: [-77.0369, 38.895], // starting position [lng, lat]
zoom: 11.5 // starting zoom

// Target the params form in the HTML
const params = document.getElementById('params');

// Create variables to use in getIso()
const urlBase = '';
const lon = -77.034;
const lat = 38.899;
let profile = 'cycling';
let minutes = 10;

// Set up a marker that you can use to show the query's coordinates
const marker = new mapboxgl.Marker({
'color': '#314ccd'

// Create a LngLat object to use in the marker initialization
const lngLat = {
lon: lon,
lat: lat

// Create a function that sets up the Isochrone API query then makes a fetch call
async function getIso() {
const query = await fetch(
{ method: 'GET' }
const data = await query.json();
// Set the 'iso' source's data to what's returned by the API query

// When a user changes the value of profile or duration by clicking a button, change the parameter's value and make the API query again
params.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
if ( === 'profile') {
profile =;
} else if ( === 'duration') {
minutes =;

map.on('load', () => {
// When the map loads, add the source and layer
map.addSource('iso', {
type: 'geojson',
data: {
'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'features': []

'id': 'isoLayer',
'type': 'fill',
'source': 'iso',
'layout': {},
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#5a3fc0',
'fill-opacity': 0.3

// Initialize the marker at the query coordinates

// Make the API call

Next steps

To build on top of the tools and techniques you used in this tutorial, explore the following resources:

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