Add points to a web map, part 1: prepare your data
Tutorial series: Add points to a web map
This series of tutorials teaches you how to add markers representing point data to a web map using the Mapbox Studio dataset editor, the Mapbox Studio style editor, and Mapbox GL JS:
- Part 1: Prepare your data
- Part 2: Create a map style
- Part 3: Add interactivity
Part 1: Prepare your data
This part of the tutorial series focuses on using the Mapbox Studio dataset editor, an in-browser editor for creating and modifying dataset features, to prepare your point data. In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
- Upload custom data to create a new dataset
- Create new data in the dataset editor
- Export your dataset to a tileset
The final product for this tutorial series is an interactive web map with markers and popups, as shown in the map below.
Getting started
There are a few resources you will need to follow along with this guide:
- Mapbox account. Sign up for a free account on Mapbox.
- Data. Download this GeoJSON file, which includes the coordinates and feature properties for nine different Chicago Parks.