
Migrate from Mapbox Streets v7 to v8

If you are using a map style built with the Mapbox Streets v7 tileset, we highly recommend migrating to Mapbox Streets v8. Mapbox Streets v7 will stop receiving data updates on September 1, 2021. Mapbox Streets v8 also contains many improvements including additional data fields and refactored layers designed to be used with expressions (as described in the Mapbox Style Specification) and compatibility with style components.

Because there are significant structural changes between v7 and v8, swapping the source URL with mapbox-streets-v8 without adjusting source layer names, filters, and style properties that rely on data fields will result in style errors. This guide will help you decide on an appropriate approach to migrating your map style and provide tips for making the switch.

Complete reference documentation

You can find additional information on Mapbox Streets v8, including detailed descriptions of available source layers and fields, in the vector tile reference.

Options for migrating

There are two suggested options for migrating your style to use v8 data:

  • Option 1: If you built your style on top of an older version of a template style (like Streets, Light, Outdoors, etc.) and made a few custom edits, it's recommended to recreate a style using the newer version of the template. Our latest styles use Mapbox Streets v8 and style components, and are designed to be tweaked in Studio.
  • Option 2: If you built your style from scratch using the Mapbox Streets tileset, or if you made a significant number of edits to an older template style, you can create a migrated copy of your style in Mapbox Studio using an automated workflow.

Choose an option that most closely matches your situation, and follow the steps below:

Option 1: Recreate your style from a core style template

  1. In Studio, create a new style from the style template that most closely matches your style.
  2. Add any additional layers or styling changes. All the style templates (Basic, Streets, Outdoors, Monochrome, Satellite Streets, and Navigation) are compatible with style components in Studio, allowing for quick edits to the base map.
  3. When you're ready, publish your style and use the new style URL in your implementation.
Use the same style URL

It is possible to use the same style URL by replacing your style in Mapbox Studio. See Use the same style URL below.

Option 2: Use an automated workflow

You can create a migrated copy of your style using an automated workflow, which will update all layers using Mapbox Streets v7 to use v8 while preserving visual characteristics, SDK requirements, and layer names. Migrated styles may show some variations due to changes in underlying data, such as higher label density for points of interest.

If possible, we recommend updating to expressions at the same time you update a style to Mapbox Streets v8. Though styles using expressions have higher SDK requirements, access to expressions will improve the quality of the Mapbox Streets v7 to v8 migration.

Important tips to know

Here are some important tips to know.

Do not mix Mapbox Streets v7 and v8

Mixing different versions of the same source is not recommended, because layer names are reused across versions. In Mapbox Studio, if you try to use Mapbox Streets v8 when layers in your style already use Mapbox Streets v7, you will see a warning message:

Migrate from property functions to property expressions

Template styles built with Mapbox Streets v7 use property functions (left) for zoom and data styling. We highly recommend using the expressions syntax (right) for more flexibility and longevity. Expressions syntax and the deprecated property function syntax cannot be mixed in a single style property or filter definition.

Studio displays filters slightly differently for values that use property functions instead of expressions. The older interface displays different sections for each type of filter (left). For newer, expression-based filters, options for geometry type and field values have been combined into a single panel (right).

The value for any layout property, paint property, or filter may be specified as an expression. To automatically update all your property functions to use expressions, you can create an updated copy of your style under Settings in Studio.

Avoid broken name-* fields

Unlike previous versions of Mapbox Streets, when using Mapbox Streets v8 you must add fallback languages manually to avoid broken labels.

In Mapbox Streets v7 (left), if a translation is not available for one of a feature's name_* fields (for example, name_en and name_fr), the value of the name field is used as a fallback. In Mapbox Streets v8 (right), if a translation is not available, the value will be null. This allows you to customize your fallback preferences using expressions.

The underlying expression looks like this:

"text-field": ["coalesce", ["get", "name_en"], ["get", "name"]]

Data changes

The following sections highlight data layers that require special attention while migrating.

Renamed source layers

The data in the following source layers were renamed, but the underlying data is largely the same between v7 and v8. When migrating, you can replace the source and source-layer without adding new filters or changing style properties.

Streets v7 source layerStreets v8 source layer

Condensed source layers

The data in the following source layers have been condensed into a single source layer. Data-driven styling with expressions makes it possible to style features according to data properties from a single source layer.

place_label contains points for labeling places including countries, states, cities, towns, and neighborhoods. This layer existed in Mapbox Streets v7, but it contained only “human settlements” like cities and neighborhoods. In Mapbox Streets v8, it also contains country and state labels.

v7 source layerv8 source layerSuggested filter
country_labelplace_labelclass = country
state_labelplace_labelclass = state

natural_label contains points and lines for styling natural features such as bodies of water, mountain peaks, valleys, deserts, and more. This layer is new in Mapbox Streets v8, but the data it contains existed in different layers in v7.

v7 source layerv8 source layerSuggested filter
marine_labelnatural_labelclass = ocean, sea, bay
mountain_peak_labelnatural_labelclass = landform
water_labelnatural_labelclass = water
waterway_labelnatural_labelclass = river, canal, stream

road contains lines, points, and polygons needed for drawing features such as roads, railways, paths and their labels. This layer existed in Mapbox Streets v7, but it was only appropriate for creating line layers. In Mapbox Streets v8, it can also be used for symbol layers.

v7 source layerv8 source layerSuggested filter
road_labelroadNone, but be sure to use type = symbol

admin boundaries

Mapbox Streets v8 uses slightly different admin boundary division definitions. Before, v7 used values of 2, 3, and 4, while Streets v8 uses values of 0, 1, and 2. Note the different descriptions below.

v7 admin valuev8 admin value
3Some subnational regions or groupings: regions of Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, Venezuela; governorates of Lebanon; federal districts of Russia; some disputed and semi-autonomous regions1First-level administrative divisions
4Most first-level subnational boundaries (states, provinces, etc.)2Second-level administrative divisions

There is also a new worldview field that provides an option to cater boundary lines to different locales. You can use either US, CN, IN, or JP to show the United States', China’s, India’s, or Japan's opinions of global and disputed borders.

sizerank, filterrank, and symbolrank

In v7, the scalerank and localrank fields were used to rank features. These fields are not included in v8. Instead, v8 introduces three new fields for ranking features: sizerank, filterrank, and symbolrank. The ranking fields in v8 are fundamentally different than the ranking fields in v7, but can be used to generate similar effects.

Commonly used forv7 fieldRelevant v7 layersv8 fieldRelevant v8 layers
Customizing label densitylocalrank
(number > 0)
(number 0-5)
Styling labels based on relative prominencescalerank
(number 1-6 or null)
(number 0-16)
Styling labels based on relative physical size of the featuresizerank
(number 1-19)

Because there is not a one-to-one relationship between fields used to rank features in v7 and v8, there is no simple transformation from one to the other. The maps below allow you to explore the relationship between these fields.

Customize label density

The v8 field filterrank is a value from 0-5 used that helps customize label density. When rebuilding your layers in the [v8] version of your style, set filterrank <= 1 to only show the most prominent labels, filterrank <=3 to produce moderate density, or filterrank <= 5 to see as many labels as possible.

There is no one-to-one relationship between v7's localrank and v8's filterrank, but their effect is similar. Use the maps below to explore the relationship between localrank and filterrank. Notice that localrank and filterrank vary across zoom levels.

Filter by feature prominence

The v8 field symbolrank is a number between 0-16 that helps simplify styling of the label size and symbol prominence of place features. When rebuilding your layers in the [v8] version of your style, use symbolrank <= 1 to apply a bold style to only the most prominent features or use symbolrank with expressions to hide and show features of a specific prominence at various zoom levels.

There is no one-to-one relationship between v7's scalerank and v8's symbolrank, but their effect is similar. Use the maps below to explore the relationship between scalerank and symbolrank. Notice that the value of a feature's scalerank or symbolrank field persists across zoom levels.

Filter by physical size

The v8 field sizerank is used for label layers where points or lines have been derived from polygons. The largest areas are ranked sizerank=0, and the smallest points are ranked sizerank=16. This is a new concept in v8 (v7 did not include a field with this kind of information) so you can use it as you see fit when creating new layers in the [v8] version of your style.

class field in poi_label

In the poi_label layer, a new class field contains thematic categories that are useful for filtering and symbol styling. There are also many new maki options for use with our Maki iconset.

Use the same style URL

Rebuilding your style with a new template or migrating your style to use expressions will generate a new style URL. If you want to keep your existing style URL, use the Replace option in Studio.

The file you upload must be a JSON document adhering to the Mapbox Style Specification. Additionally, the style must contain a sprite URL referencing all icons and images used in the style, and a glyph URL referencing all fonts used in the style. You cannot replace a style with one that does not reference the correct sprite or glyph URL.

Replacing a style cannot be undone, so before replacing, make sure the style is working correctly. You may also want to duplicate the style before replacing it to have a backup.
