
Resolved search object with populated fields.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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A point accuracy metric for the returned address.

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Result address.

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Poi categories. Always empty for non-POI search results.

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val coordinate: Point

Result coordinates.

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Additional description for the search result.

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Distance in meters from result to requested origin (for forward geocoding and category search) or provided point (for reverse geocoding). For provided point always returns non-null distance.

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Estimated time of arrival (in minutes) based on the specified in the origin point and navigation profile. For this property is not null only if it was present in the corresponding

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Map of external ids. Returned Map instance is unmodifiable.

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Full formatted address.

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val id: String

Result unique identifier.

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Maki icon name for search result.

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Result MapboxID

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The feature name, as matched by the search algorithm.

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Search result metadata containing geo place's detailed information if available.

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Result name.

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Search request options.

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val routablePoints: List<RoutablePoint>?

List of points near coordinate, that represents entries to associated building.

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Index in response from server.

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Non-empty list of resolved SearchResult types.