
Defines data for index that represents external data to be included in search functionality.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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abstract val address: SearchAddress?

Record address.

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abstract val categories: List<String>?

Record categories.

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abstract val coordinate: Point

Record coordinate.

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abstract val descriptionText: String?

Additional description for the record.

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abstract val id: String

Record unique identifier.

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abstract val indexTokens: List<String>

Additional string literals that should be included in search index. For example, you may provide non-official names to force search engine match them.

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abstract val makiIcon: String?

Mapbox Maki icon id.

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Search result metadata containing geo place's detailed information if available.

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abstract val name: String

Record name.

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abstract val routablePoints: List<RoutablePoint>?

List of points near coordinate, that represents entries to associated building.

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abstract val type: SearchResultType

Type of the search result represented by the record.


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