E Horizon Edge Metadata
Edge metadata
NOTE: The Mapbox Electronic Horizon feature of the Mapbox Navigation SDK is in public beta and is subject to changes, including its pricing. Use of the feature is subject to the beta product restrictions in the Mapbox Terms of Service. Mapbox reserves the right to eliminate any free tier or free evaluation offers at any time and require customers to place an order to purchase the Mapbox Electronic Horizon feature, regardless of the level of use of the feature.
heading when starting to move along the edge. The value is in degrees in the range [0, 360)
the Edge's length in meters
the edge's RoadClass
max speed of the edge (speed limit) in m/s
average speed along the edge in m/s
is the edge a ramp?
is the edge a motorway?
is the edge a bridge?
is the edge a tunnel?
is the edge a toll road?
an array of road names
the number of lanes on the edge (does not change mid-edge)
mean elevation along the edge in meters
binned number denoting the curvature degree of the edge (0-15)
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
the edge's country code (ISO-2 format)
a state inside a country (ISO 3166-2)
true if in the current place/state right-hand traffic is used
true if current edge is one-way. false if left-hand.
type of the road surface.