Map markers configuration
The Navigation SDK UX Framework is pre-built with the default map marker factory. This documentation provides an overview of how to customize pins using the SymbolDescriptor
class and MarkerOptions
interface. The primary focus is on creating customizable markers for different descriptors and configuring various visual properties of these markers.
Setting Up Your Marker Factory
To set up your own marker factory through the configuration object, use the following code:
applicationContext = applicationContext,
accessToken = getString(R.string.mapbox_access_token)
) {
mapStyle {
markerFactory = <Your marker factory implementation>
Where <Your marker factory implementation>
is an instance of the MarkerFactory
defines a contract for creating markers tailored to specific types of symbol descriptors. Implementations of this interface are responsible for generatingMarkerOptions
based on the properties of the provided symbol descriptor and its selection state.SearchSuggestionsMarkerFactory
interface provides a factory method for creating markers for search suggestions symbol descriptors.RoutePointMarkerFactory
interface provides a factory method for creating markers for route points symbol descriptors.MarkerOptions
class contains all the options for a marker, including image, text properties, and styling options. It provides fluent APIs for setting these properties.
Example: Customizing Pins
private const val SCALE_FACTOR = 1.5
private const val TEXT_OFFSET_EMS = 0.5
class SampleMarkerFactory(
private val context: Context,
) : MarkerFactory {
private val textOffset = listOf(0.0, TEXT_OFFSET_EMS)
* Creates a marker for search suggestions symbol descriptors.
override fun create(symbolDescriptor: SymbolDescriptorSearchSuggestions, selected: Boolean): MarkerOptions {
return MarkerOptions()
.withImageScaleFactorSize(if (selected) SCALE_FACTOR else 1.0)
.withTextField("#${symbolDescriptor.index + 1}")
* Creates a marker for route point symbol descriptors.
override fun create(symbolDescriptor: SymbolDescriptorRoutePoint, selected: Boolean): MarkerOptions {
return MarkerOptions()
.withImageScaleFactorSize(if (selected) SCALE_FACTOR else 1.0)
private val SymbolDescriptorSearchSuggestions.haloColor: Int
get() {
val hex = when {
categories.contains(SearchCategory.Grocery) -> "#FF63A6E9"
categories.contains(SearchCategory.Coffee) -> "#FFFF9933"
categories.contains(SearchCategory.Food) -> "#FFFF8126"
else -> "#FFF47BCB"
return Color.parseColor(hex)
private val SymbolDescriptorSearchSuggestions.image: MarkerOptions.Image.Bitmap
get() {
val resId = when {
categories.contains(SearchCategory.Grocery) -> R.drawable.ic_grocery
categories.contains(SearchCategory.Coffee) -> R.drawable.ic_coffee
categories.contains(SearchCategory.Food) -> R.drawable.ic_food
else -> R.drawable.ic_fallback
return checkNotNull(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, resId))
.let { MarkerOptions.Image.Bitmap(it.toBitmap()) }
private val SymbolDescriptorRoutePoint.image: MarkerOptions.Image.Bitmap
get() {
return when (type) {
is SymbolDescriptorRoutePoint.Type.Destination -> checkNotNull(
ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.ic_destination)
else -> checkNotNull(
ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.ic_waypoint)
}.let { MarkerOptions.Image.Bitmap(it.toBitmap()) }
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