
Search options, used for category search.


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abstract val boundingBox: BoundingBox?

Limit results to only those contained within the supplied bounding box. The bounding box cannot cross the 180th meridian.

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abstract val countries: List<String>?

Limit results to one or more countries.

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abstract val fuzzyMatch: Boolean?

Specify whether the Geocoding API should attempt approximate, as well as exact, matching when performing searches (true, default), or whether it should opt out of this behavior and only attempt exact matching (false). For example, the default setting might return Washington, DC for a query of Washington, even though the query was misspelled.

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abstract val languages: List<String>?

Specify the user’s language. This parameter controls the language of the text supplied in responses, and also affects result scoring, with results matching the user’s query in the requested language being preferred over results that match in another language. For example, an autocomplete query for things that start with Frank might return Frankfurt as the first result with an English (en) language parameter, but Frankreich (“France”) with a German (de) language parameter. If language is not set explicitly, then language from default system locale will be used.

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abstract val limit: Int?

Specify the maximum number of results to return.

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abstract val origin: Point?

Origin user's location to favor results that are closer to origin location, provided as Point.

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abstract val proximity: Point?

Bias the response to favor results that are closer to this location, provided as Point.

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Options to configure search along the route functionality.