Package-level declarations


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class LottieMapGptAvatar(val name: String, @RawRes val listeningToUser: Int, @RawRes val userSpeaking: Int, @RawRes val aiThinking: Int, @RawRes val aiSpeaking: Int, @RawRes val aiError: Int, @RawRes val aiNonCriticalError: Int = aiError, @RawRes val aiIdle: Int, @RawRes val aiSleeping: Int, @RawRes val noMicPermission: Int, @RawRes val serviceDisconnected: Int) : MapGptAvatar

Represents an Avatar which is animated with Lottie json resources.

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abstract class MapGptAvatar(val name: String)

Is an animating representation of the MapGPT assistant.

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interface MapGptManager

This interface can be used to invoke specific functions related to MapGPT.