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class BackCloseButtonState(val isFinalAction: Boolean, val onBackClicked: () -> Unit, val onCloseClicked: () -> Unit)
State for the back/close button.
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typealias DestinationPreviewUiComposer = @Composable (modifier: Modifier, state: DestinationPreviewUiState) -> Unit
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class DestinationPreviewUiState(val place: DataState<DestinationPreviewUiState.PlaceDetails>, val primaryButton: DestinationPreviewUiState.ActionButton.Primary? = null, val secondaryButton: DestinationPreviewUiState.ActionButton.Secondary? = null, val backCloseButtonState: BackCloseButtonState? = null)
Represents the state of the destination preview card.
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class PlacesListUiState(val title: DataState<String>, val items: DataState<List<DashSearchResult>>, val itemSelected: (Int) -> Unit, val backCloseButtonState: BackCloseButtonState?)
UI state for the places list.