Flowable that emits DashCameraState.
Observe favorites.
Observe history.
Flowable that emits the best possible location update, snapped to the route or map-matched to the road if possible.
Flowable that emits whenever a log is available.
Flowable that Mapbox Map events.
Flowable that MapGPT card events.
Flowable that MapGPT events.
Observe map markers.
Flowable that emits NavigationEvent.
Flowable that emits every time a NavigationState changes. Upon collection, the first emitted value is always current NavigationState.
Flowable that emits every time the next Maneuver.
Flowable that emits every time a new Location has been received.
Flowable that emits DashRoadInfoEvent.
Flowable that emits whenever a list of maintained routes changes.
Observe search request state.
Observe search results.
Observe search suggestions.