Package-level declarations


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data class AppData(val state: State = State.FreeDrive.Idle, val mapState: MapState = MapState.Loading, val mapGptState: MapGptState = MapGptState(), val cameraTrackingState: CameraTrackingState, val placesPreviewState: PlacesPreviewState = PlacesPreviewState.Idle, val feedbackSearchResult: DestinationSearchResult? = null, val selectedPlace: SelectedPlace? = null, val selectedWaypoint: DestinationSearchResult? = null, val fetchingState: FetchingState = FetchingState.None, val tripState: TripState = TripState(), val activeTripState: TripState? = null, val weather: PlaceWeather = PlaceWeather.NoWeather, val navigationManagerIntent: NavigationManagerIntent = NavigationManagerIntent.Idle, val resumeNavigationIntent: ResumeNavigationIntent = ResumeNavigationIntent.Idle, val selectedManeuver: RouteManeuver? = null, val maneuverState: ManeuverState = ManeuverState.Gone, val viewsVisibility: ViewsVisibility = ViewsVisibility(), val editTripState: EditTripState? = null, val allowToEndRoutInOneClick: Boolean = false, val chargingPort: Port? = null, val isCharging: Boolean = false, val lastKnownDestination: LastKnownDestination? = null, val navigationSuggestions: List<DashNavigationSuggestion> = emptyList())
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open class AppStore(initialState: State = FreeDrive.Idle, logger: Logger, scope: CoroutineScope, appDataReducer: AppDataReducer, appDataFactory: AppDataFactory)
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data class AudioStageViewState(val isVisible: Boolean = true, val viewType: AudioStateViewType = SMALL)
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data class CameraButtonState(val visible: Boolean, val cameraTrackingMode: CameraTrackingMode)
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data class CameraTrackingState(val cameraState: CameraState, val cameraButtonState: CameraButtonState, val puckTracking: Boolean, val recenterPillVisible: Boolean)
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class ConnectivityError(val type: ConnectivityErrorType, val throwable: Throwable? = null, val message: String? = null) : AppError
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data class EditTripState(val newWaypointPosition: Int = INDEX_ADD_NEW_DESTINATION)
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data class LastKnownDestination(val placeName: String, val coordinate: Point)
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Defines where to return from the RoutePreview and nested states.

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class RoutingError(val throwable: Throwable?, val message: String? = null, val displayToast: Boolean = true) : AppError
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class SearchError(val throwable: Throwable? = null, val message: String? = null) : AppError
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data class StateTransition(val from: State, val appDataFrom: AppData, val to: State, val appDataTo: AppData, val event: Event)
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data class TripState(val waypoints: List<DestinationSearchResult> = emptyList(), val markers: List<Marker> = emptyList(), val routes: List<NavigationRoute> = emptyList(), val routeWithChargers: NavigationRoute? = null, val currentLegIndex: Int = 0, savedState: TripState? = null)