
data class DashIconCollection(val camera: CameraIconSet = CameraIconSet(), val controls: ControlsIconSet = ControlsIconSet(), val feedback: FeedbackIconSet = FeedbackIconSet(), val information: InformationIconSet = InformationIconSet(), val main: MainIconSet = MainIconSet(), val marker: MarkerIconSet = MarkerIconSet(), val sound: SoundIconSet = SoundIconSet(), val tripProgress: TripProgressIconSet = TripProgressIconSet(), val favorite: FavoriteIconSet = FavoriteIconSet(), val driverNotification: DriverNotificationIconSet = DriverNotificationIconSet())


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constructor(camera: CameraIconSet = CameraIconSet(), controls: ControlsIconSet = ControlsIconSet(), feedback: FeedbackIconSet = FeedbackIconSet(), information: InformationIconSet = InformationIconSet(), main: MainIconSet = MainIconSet(), marker: MarkerIconSet = MarkerIconSet(), sound: SoundIconSet = SoundIconSet(), tripProgress: TripProgressIconSet = TripProgressIconSet(), favorite: FavoriteIconSet = FavoriteIconSet(), driverNotification: DriverNotificationIconSet = DriverNotificationIconSet())


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