
Represents detailed information about a destination, including various attributes like arrival information, charge time, weather conditions, ratings, and more.

This class provides a comprehensive view of a destination, tailored for applications dealing with travel, charging stations, and other related services.


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The address of the destination.

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Details about the arrival at the destination.

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Optional information about the charging time at the destination.

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List of charging station details at the destination.

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An optional description of the destination.

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Optional string representing the cost of electric vehicle charging.

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An optional id. Non null when the DestinationResult is an EV charging station.

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Optional status indicating whether the destination is marked as a favorite.

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The locale associated with this destination result.

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A list of nearby destinations groups, grouped by category.

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Information about the hours of operation for the destination.

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The origin search result.

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An optional phone number for the destination.

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A list of images providing visual information about the destination.

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User or system-generated rating for the destination.

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An optional secondary name for the point of interest.

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Flag to indicate whether to show the description title.

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Flag to indicate whether to show driving notifications.

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Flag to indicate whether feedback options should be displayed.

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The current weather state at the place.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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