Package-level declarations


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data class ButtonInfo(val title: String, val onClick: () -> Unit = {}, val enabled: Boolean = true)
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data class DropDownMenuItemInfo(val title: String, val subtitle: String = "")


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fun AppInfoSetting(@DrawableRes logoImage: Int? = null, appName: String = "AppName", appVersion: String = "", appVersionSha: String = BuildConfig.SHORT_SHA)
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fun <T> ButtonToggleGroup(allValues: LinkedHashMap<T, String>, selectedValue: T, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onSelectionChanged: (T) -> Unit = {})
fun <T> ButtonToggleGroup(allValues: LinkedHashMap<T, String>, selectedValue: T, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, title: String, onSelectionChanged: (T) -> Unit = {})
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fun CopyButton(title: String, textToCopy: String? = null, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
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fun <T> DropDownList(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, allItems: Map<T, DropDownMenuItemInfo>, selectedValue: T, title: String? = null, onSelectionChanged: (T) -> Unit = {})
fun <T> DropDownList(allValues: Map<T, String>, selectedValue: T, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, title: String? = null, onSelectionChanged: (T) -> Unit = {})
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fun LinkItem(label: String, selectedValue: String? = null, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, isEnabled: Boolean = true, enabled: Boolean = true, icon: Int = com.mapbox.dash.theming.R.drawable.ic_arrow_right, iconBackground: Color = AppTheme.colors.backgroundColors.quaternary, iconOrientation: LinkIconOrientation = LinkIconOrientation.RIGHT, onClick: () -> Unit = {})
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fun Slider(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, value: Float = 0.5f, onValueChange: (Float) -> Unit = {}, valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float> = 0f..1f, steps: Int = 0, onValueChangeFinished: () -> Unit? = null)
fun Slider(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, title: String, value: Float = 0.5f, onValueChange: (Float) -> Unit = {}, valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float> = 0f..1f, steps: Int = 0, onValueChangeFinished: (Float) -> Unit = {}, supportDecimal: Boolean = false)