Package-level declarations
Camera configuration.
Configuration for the debug settings.
Default 3D style.
Default day style.
Default night style.
Default satellite style.
Configuration options for UI routing.
ETA panel configuration.
Left sidebar configuration.
Configuration for the location simulation.
Voice Assistant configuration.
Mapbox Maps styles configuration.
Right sidebar configuration.
Configuration options for route options.
Search configuration.
Search panel configuration.
Configuration for speed limits options.
Dash UI elements appearance configuration.
Ui configuration.
Full screen search ui configuration
Configuration for settings screen.
Voices configuration.
Configures camera behavior.
Configures debug settings.
Configures UI routing.
Re-configures UI routing.
Configures the ETA panel.
Re-configures the ETA panel.
Configures left sidebar properties.
Configures the location simulation.
Configures voice assistant.
Re-configures voice assistant.
Configures the Mapbox Maps styles used with Dash. You can edit or create new ones via Mapbox Studio.
Re-configures the Mapbox Maps styles used with Dash.
Configures Sidebar properties.
Configures the route options.
Re-configures the route options.
Configures search.
Re-configures search.
Configures search panel properties.
Configures speed limits options.
Re-configures speed limits options.
Configures appearance of Dash's UI elements.
Re-configures appearance of Dash's UI elements.
Configures UI properties.
Re-configures UI properties.
Configures full screen search ui
Configures UI Settings
Re-configures UI Settings
Configures the voices used for Dash Navigation and MapGPT.
Re-configures the voices used for Dash Navigation and MapGPT.