
Configuration settings for the Text to Speech voices utilized by Dash.


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@Serializable(with = RedactedMapSerializer::class)
open override val customValues: MutableMap<String, Any?>
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the local TTS engine provider.

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enables or disables the local TTS engine.

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val selectedVoice: DashVoice

the voice that will be used for speech synthesis. Ignored when preferLocalTts is true.


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fun <T, B : DashConfigBuilder<T, B>> DashConfigBase<T, B>.copy(func: B.() -> Unit): T

Creates a copy of a given configuration instances with options mutated by the provided function.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toBuilder(): DashVoicesConfig.Builder

Returns a new Builder instance with copied elements of this configuration.

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open override fun toString(): String