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data class TripSummaryExpandableViewState(val tripSummaryModel: State<TripSummaryModel?> = mutableStateOf(null), val tripOverviewItems: State<List<TripOverviewItem>> = mutableStateOf(emptyList()), val bottomSheetState: BottomSheetState = BottomSheetState(BottomSheetValue.Collapsed), val onEndActiveGuidance: () -> Unit = {}, val onOpenCommonSearchClick: () -> Unit = {}, val onOpenSearchForChargeClick: (List<Point>) -> Unit = {}, val onWaypointClick: (DestinationSearchResult) -> Unit? = {})
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data class TripSummarySimpleViewState(val tripSummaryModel: TripSummaryModel? = null, val removeStopVisible: Boolean = false, val endActiveGuidanceVisible: Boolean = false, val settingsMenuVisible: Boolean = false, val largeViewVisible: Boolean = false, val tripSummaryVisible: Boolean = false, val oneClickEndRoute: Boolean = false, val highlightedElement: TripSummarySimpleViewState.HighlightedElement = HighlightedElement.None, val onRemoveWaypointClick: () -> Unit = {}, val onLargeActiveGuidanceClick: () -> Unit = {}, val onSmallActiveGuidanceClick: () -> Unit = {}, val onSearchClick: () -> Unit = {})
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class TripSummaryViewModel(appStore: AppStore, removeSelectedWaypoint: RemoveSelectedWaypointUseCase, observeRouteProgressUseCase: ObserveRouteProgressUseCase, observeTripSummaryModel: ObserveTripSummaryModelUseCase, overviewSearchResultWithCurrentRoute: OverviewSearchResultWithCurrentRoute, stopNavigation: StopNavigationUseCase, routeAnalyticsEventsSender: RouteAnalyticsEventsSender, chargeRouteHelper: ChargeRouteHelper, mapGptManager: InternalMapGptManager) : ViewModel, FocusNavigationHelper
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data class TripSummaryViewState(val visible: State<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(false), val tripSummaryExpandableViewState: State<TripSummaryExpandableViewState> = mutableStateOf(TripSummaryExpandableViewState()), val tripSummarySimpleViewState: State<TripSummarySimpleViewState> = mutableStateOf(TripSummarySimpleViewState()))


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fun EndActiveGuidanceView(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, removeStopVisible: Boolean = true, onRemoveWaypointClick: () -> Unit = {}, onLargeActiveGuidanceClick: () -> Unit = {})
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fun EtaPanel(arrivalTime: String, remainingDistance: String, remainingTime: String, isOffline: Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, searchButtonVisible: Boolean = true, endButtonVisible: Boolean = true, onSearchClick: () -> Unit = {}, onEndActiveGuidanceClick: () -> Unit = {})
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fun EtaPanelExpandable(modifier: Modifier, arrivalTime: String = "12:18 pm", remainingDistance: String = "2.1 mi", remainingTime: String = "10 min", isOffline: Boolean = false, stateOfCharge: Int? = null, traveledToRemainingRatio: Float = 2.0f, expandedFraction: Float = 0.0f, trafficGradientStops: Array<Pair<Float, Color?>> = arrayOf( (0.150f to Color.Yellow), (0.450f to Color.Red), (0.650f to Color.Blue), ), waypointsData: List<WaypointData> = listOf( WaypointData(-0.9f, false), WaypointData(0f, false), WaypointData(0.7f, true), ), onArrowClick: () -> Unit = {})
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fun rememberTripSummaryViewState(tripSummaryViewModel: TripSummaryViewModel, categorySearchViewModel: CategorySearchViewModel, onOpenCommonSearchClick: () -> Unit): TripSummaryViewState
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