
An interface that provides location updates. Note that your implementation of LocationProvider must set isMock extra flag to true in case your locations are not real. To set this flag, use:

Location.Builder#extra(Value.valueOf(hashMapOf(LocationExtraKeys.IS_MOCK to Value.valueOf(true))))


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abstract fun addLocationObserver(observer: LocationObserver)

Adds LocationObserver that will be notified of new location updates.

abstract fun addLocationObserver(observer: LocationObserver, looper: Looper)

Adds LocationObserver that will be notified of new location updates on a thread, specified by a looper parameter.

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Requests the last available location.

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Removed LocationObserver. The observer will not be notified of new location updates any longer.

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abstract fun removeLocationUpdates(pendingIntent: PendingIntent)

Stop location updates for specified pendingIntent.

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abstract fun requestLocationUpdates(pendingIntent: PendingIntent)

Start location updates.