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class AndroidViewBlock<Presentation : View>(factory: (Context) -> Presentation, update: suspend (Presentation) -> Unit) : ViewBlock

A ViewBlock implementation for Android views.

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data class ComposeInsets(val start: Dp = 0.dp, val top: Dp = 0.dp, val end: Dp = 0.dp, val bottom: Dp = 0.dp)
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A ViewBlock implementation for Compose UI components.

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A ViewBlock that represents a default view block.

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A ViewBlock that represents a hidden or non-rendered view block.

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abstract class ViewBlock

Abstract base class for all view blocks.


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val NoOpUpdate: View.() -> Unit

A no-operation update function for views.


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fun ComposeView.initWithContent(insetMask: Int = WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars(), content: @Composable () -> Unit)
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inline fun <VM : ViewModel> koinViewModel(storeOwner: ViewModelStoreOwner = requireNotNull(LocalViewModelStoreOwner.current), viewTreeScopeOwner: Scope = requireNotNull(LocalViewTreeScopeOwner.current), noinline parameters: ParametersDefinition? = null): VM
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fun Modifier.noIndicationClickable(onClick: () -> Unit = {}): Modifier
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fun Modifier.roundOutlineButton(borderColor: Color, onClick: () -> Unit, enabled: Boolean = true): Modifier
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fun Modifier.shadow(blur: Dp = 8.dp, offsetX: Dp = 0.dp, offsetY: Dp = 4.dp, alpha: Float = MAX_SHADOW_ALPHA, shape: Shape = RectangleShape): Modifier

Unlike androidx.compose.ui.draw.shadow, this modifier does not draw behind transparent surfaces, has predictable direction and allows for more customization

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inline fun ViewBlockComposer(viewBlock: ViewBlock, defaultBlock: @Composable () -> Unit = {})
inline fun ViewBlockComposer(viewBlock: ViewBlock, defaultBlock: @Composable () -> Unit, loadingViewBlock: @Composable () -> Unit)