Package-level declarations


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data class MatchableSpeedCamera(val roadObjectId: String, val originalId: String, val originalPoint: Point, val matchablePoint: MatchablePoint, var matchedPoint: Point? = null, var mapboxSpeedLimit: Double? = null, var thirdPartySpeedLimit: Double? = null)
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object Names
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interface NextSpeedCamera
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class ReportAnalyticsDelegate(analytics: Analytics, speedRepository: SpeedRepository) : ShowApproachingCamerasController.Delegate
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enum SpeedCameraEvent : Enum<SpeedCameraEvent> , AnalyticsEventName
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class SpeedCameraMatcher(speedCameraSource: SpeedCameraSource, backgroundDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, remoteConfig: SpeedCamerasRemoteConfig, logger: Logger, appStore: AppStore, observeEnhancedLocationUseCase: ObserveEnhancedLocationUseCase) : MapboxNavigationObserver
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class SpeedCameraSource(context: Context, remoteStorage: RemoteStorageRepository, backgroundDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, storage: Storage, logger: Logger)
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data class VisibleSpeedCamera(val roadObjectId: String, val originalId: String, val matchedPoint: Point, val mapboxSpeedLimit: Double? = null, val thirdPartySpeedLimit: Double? = null)


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const val CAMERA_TAG: String
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val CamerasModule: Module