Package-level declarations


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class MiddlewareComposable<C : MiddlewareContext>(containerProvider: C.() -> ViewGroup, layoutParams: ViewGroup.LayoutParams, content: @Composable () -> Unit) : Middleware<C>
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class SpotifyMusicPlayerContext(val spotifyConnector: SpotifyConnector, val spotifyAppController: SpotifyAppController, val playerState: StateFlow<MusicPlayerState?>, val musicPlayer: MusicPlayer, val largeViewVisible: MutableStateFlow<Boolean>) : MusicPlayerContext
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class SpotifyMusicPlayerMiddleware(spotifyTokenProvider: SpotifyTokenProvider) : CoroutineMiddleware<MusicPlayerContext> , MusicPlayerMiddleware

Spotify implementation of MusicPlayerMiddleware. This provides a place to integrate spotify with the MapGPT Ai-Assistant.

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fun interface SpotifyTokenProvider

Required for authenticating an app with Spotify.


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fun <C : MiddlewareContext> middlewareComposable(layoutParams: ViewGroup.LayoutParams, containerProvider: C.() -> ViewGroup, content: @Composable () -> Unit): Middleware<C>