Package-level declarations


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class ArrivalInformation(val formatter: ArrivalInformationFormatter, val etaDistance: EtaDistance, val stateOfCharge: Int? = null, val isOffline: Boolean = false)
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sealed class Category
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data class ChargeData(val chargeFromPercent: Int, val chargeToPercent: Int, val chargeForMin: Long, val powerKw: Int)

Defines how many minutes required from to charge to the given percent with given power (kW).

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interface CommerceManager
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data class DestinationImageInfo(val url: String, val width: Int, val height: Int)
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data class DestinationMetadata(val extraData: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), val reviewCount: Int? = null, val phone: String? = null, val website: String? = null, val averageRating: Double? = null, val description: String? = null, val primaryPhotos: List<DestinationImageInfo> = listOf(), val openHours: HoursOfOperation? = null, val plugShareData: PlugShareData? = null, val searchResultMetadata: SearchResultMetadata? = null, val stateOfCharge: Int? = null)
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data class DestinationSearchResult(val originalSearchModel: OriginalSearchModel, val address: SearchAddress?, val clickCoordinate: Point? = null, val coordinate: Point, val etaMinutes: Double?, val id: String, val metadata: DestinationMetadata?, val name: String, val routablePoints: List<RoutablePoint>?, val type: SearchResultType, val categories: List<String>?, val makiIcon: String?, val distance: Double?, val descriptionText: String?, val destinationSource: DestinationSource = DestinationSource.MBX, val mapboxId: String? = null)
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class EtaDistance(val etaMinutes: Double?, val distance: Double?)
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data class FasterRouteMetadata(val centerPoint: Point, val differentSegment: List<Point>, val durationDiffSeconds: Int, val route: NavigationRoute)
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sealed class HoursOfOperation
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data class Marker(val type: Marker.Type, val point: Point, val selected: Boolean = false)
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data class OpenPeriod(val open: WeekTimestamp, val closed: WeekTimestamp)
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sealed class OriginalSearchModel
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data class Outlet(val id: String? = null, val connector: Int? = null, val kilowatts: Int? = null, val power: Int? = null)
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data class PlugShareData(val id: String? = null, val networkId: String? = null, val outlets: List<Outlet> = listOf(), val costDescription: String? = null)
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class PointAsJsonSerializer : KSerializer<Point>
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interface Port
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sealed class Rating
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interface RouteManeuver
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data class RoutePlace(val id: String, val mapboxId: String?, val name: String, val coordinate: Point, val address: String?, val evWaypoint: EvWaypoint?)
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data class TripSummaryModel(val distanceRemaining: String, val timeRemaining: String, val arrivalTime: String, val preferredRemainingArivalMetricType: RemainingArrivalMetricType, val isOffline: Boolean, val stateOfCharge: Int? = null)


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fun EtaDistance?.toArrivalInformation(formatter: ArrivalInformationFormatter, stateOfCharge: Int? = null, isOffline: Boolean = false): ArrivalInformation