Package-level declarations


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data class AdditionalGeoLocation(val latitude: String, val longitude: String, val name: DisplayText? = null)

This class defines an additional geo location that is relevant for the Charge Point.

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data class BusinessDetails(val name: String, val website: String? = null, val logo: Image? = null)
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data class EnergyMix(val isGreenEnergy: Boolean, val energySources: EnergySource? = null, val environImpact: EnvironmentalImpact? = null, val supplierName: String? = null, val energyProductName: String? = null)

This type is used to specify the energy mix and environmental impact of the supplied energy at a location or in a tariff.

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data class EnergySource(val source: String, val percentage: Double)

Key-value pairs (enum + percentage) of energy sources. All given values of all categories should add up to 100 percent.

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Categories of energy sources.

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data class EnvironmentalImpact(val category: String, val amount: Double)

Amount of waste produced/emitted per kWh.

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Categories of environmental impact values.

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data class Evse(val uid: String, val evseId: String? = null, val status: String, val statusSchedule: List<StatusSchedule>? = null, val capabilities: List<String>? = null, val connectors: List<Connector>? = null, val floorLevel: String? = null, val coordinates: GeoLocation? = null, val physicalReference: String? = null, val directions: List<DisplayText>? = null, val parkingRestrictions: List<String>? = null, val images: List<Image>? = null, val lastUpdated: String)

The EVSE object describes the part that controls the power supply to a single EV in a single session.

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data class ExceptionalPeriod(val periodBegin: String, val periodEnd: String)

Specifies one exceptional period for opening or access hours.

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object Facility

Optional list of facilities this charging location directly belongs to.

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data class Hours(val twentyFourSeven: Boolean, val regularHours: List<RegularHours>? = null, val exceptionalOpenings: ExceptionalPeriod? = null, val exceptionalClosings: ExceptionalPeriod? = null)

Opening and access hours of the location.

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The category of an image to obtain the correct usage in a user presentation.

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data class Location(val countryCode: String, val partyId: String, val id: String, val publish: Boolean, val address: String, val city: String, val country: String, val coordinates: GeoLocation, val timeZone: String, val lastUpdated: String, val publishAllowedTo: List<PublishTokenType>? = null, val name: String? = null, val postalCode: String? = null, val state: String? = null, val relatedLocations: List<AdditionalGeoLocation>? = null, val parkingType: String? = null, val evses: List<Evse>? = null, val directions: List<DisplayText>? = null, val cpoOperator: BusinessDetails? = null, val subOperator: BusinessDetails? = null, val owner: BusinessDetails? = null, val facilities: List<String>? = null, val openingTimes: Hours? = null, val chargingWhenClosed: Boolean? = null, val images: List<Image>? = null, val energyMix: EnergyMix? = null)

The Location object describes the location and its properties where a group of EVSEs that belong together are installed.

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Reflects the general type of the charge point’s location. May be used for user information.

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data class PublishTokenType(val uid: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val issuer: String? = null, val groupId: String? = null, val visualNumber: String? = null)

Defines the set of values that identify a token to which a Location might be published. At least one of the following fields shall be set: uid, visualNumber, or groupId. When uid is set, type shall also be set. When visualNumber is set, issuer shall also be set.

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data class RegularHours(val weekday: Int, val periodBegin: String, val periodEnd: String)

Regular recurring operation or access hours.

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object TokenType

Type of Token.