Package-level declarations


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class BitmapHelper(context: Context)
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class DebugModeSearchQuerySwitcher(supportingCapabilities: SupportingCapabilities, setDebugModeEnabled: SetDebugModeEnabledUseCase)
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class InputQueryController(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, etInputQuery: EditText, tvClear: View, initialQuery: Flow<String?>? = null, suggestionsResult: SuggestionsResult = NoResult)
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interface RatingConfig
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typealias SearchAction = SearchEvent.SearchAction
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An interface to add a new button in the search field.

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The interface for SearchButtonExtension to make so impact.

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class SearchEditText @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : DashAppCompatEditText
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class SearchInteractionResultProcessor(searchClosed: InformSearchCloseClickedUseCase, processSearchSuggestion: ProcessSearchSuggestionUseCase, processSearchItemUseCase: ProcessSearchItemUseCase)
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open class SearchItemViewHolder(binding: <Error class: unknown class>, listener: SearchItemViewHolder.Listener) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder
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class SearchProblemViewController(tvProblemSearchTitle: TextView, tvProblemSearchDescription: TextView)
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interface SearchTab
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const val DRIVING_LIMIT_ITEMS: Int = 10

If car in driving mode we should take only 10 items or less for recents/favorites

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fun buildSearchButtonHost(context: Context, fragmentManager: FragmentManager, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, injectSuggest: (query: String, suggests: List<SearchSuggestItem>) -> Unit): SearchButtonHost