Package-level declarations


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Configures camera default values and behavior.

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Primary configuration of Dash that's applied on initialization time. After initialization, a subset of available configuration options can be mutated at any point in time via update and provided to Dash.applyUpdate.

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Definition of a generic configuration class for Dash SDK.

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Definition of a generic configuration builder for Dash SDK.

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Configures the Mapbox Maps styles used with Dash. You can edit or create new ones via Mapbox Studio.

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Configures appearance of Dash's UI elements.

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Configures ui properties.

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Configuration settings for the Text to Speech voices utilized by Dash. If DashConfig.preferLocalTts is set to true, the voices in this configuration will be disregarded. Find the available voices in the PrebuiltDashVoices object.

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object EngineType

Holds available engine types.

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Holds available Electric Vehicle Search Data Sources.

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class NullableConfigUpdate<T>(val value: T?)

Defines a property in ConfigUpdate that reflects a nullable configuration type.

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Holds available SearchEntranceMode types.

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Holds available StreetNameVisibility types.

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object UiMode

Holds available UiMode types.

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Holds available UnitOfMeasurement types.


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fun <T, B : DashConfigBuilder<T, B>> DashConfigBase<T, B>.copy(func: B.() -> Unit): T

Creates a copy of a given configuration instances with options mutated by the provided function.