
Primary configuration of Dash that's applied on initialization time. After initialization, a subset of available configuration options can be mutated at any point in time via update and provided to Dash.applyUpdate.



context of the application.


access token from your Mapbox account. You can create a new one in your Mapbox Account.


Locale that should be used for guidance instruction and other localization features.


one of DashDeviceType values that defines the type of device on which the app is running.


a factory that creates a custom DeviceLocationProvider implementation used with Dash. that emits only real locations (i. e. not simulated or fake). If null, a default engine will be created under-the-hood.


enables or disables the local TTS engine. The setting affects any of voice interactions: voice guidance, voice assistant, and etc.


configures appearance of Dash's UI elements.


configures the Mapbox Maps styles used with Dash. You can edit or create new ones via Mapbox Studio.


configures the Mapbox MapGPT feature used within Dash.


configures UI appearance of Dash.


configures default unit of measurements.


configures vehicle's engine type.


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class Builder(val applicationContext: Context, val accessToken: String) : DashConfigBuilder<DashConfig, DashConfig.Builder>

Creates a new instance of DashConfig.

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object Companion
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Defines configuration options available to be updated in the runtime. See Dash.applyUpdate.


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val realLocationProviderFactory: DeviceLocationProviderFactory?
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fun <T, B : DashConfigBuilder<T, B>> DashConfigBase<T, B>.copy(func: B.() -> Unit): T

Creates a copy of a given configuration instances with options mutated by the provided function.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toBuilder(): DashConfig.Builder

Returns a new Builder instance with copied elements of this configuration.

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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun update(func: DashConfig.Update.() -> Unit): DashConfig.Update

Returns a configuration update builder that can be used with Dash.applyUpdate.