Package-level declarations


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class CarFeedbackAction(carFeedbackScreen: String)

Add an action button that represents feedback, when pressed the screen will be changed to carFeedbackScreen

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sealed class CarFeedbackIcon

Represents an icon of a feedback category

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data class CarFeedbackOption(    val title: String,     val icon: CarFeedbackIcon,     val type: String? = null,     val subType: List<String>? = null,     val searchFeedbackReason: String? = null,     val favoritesFeedbackReason: String? = null,     val nextPoll: CarFeedbackPoll? = null)

Represents one of the predefined categories users can select when providing feedback

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data class CarFeedbackPoll(val title: String, val options: List<CarFeedbackOption>)

Represents a step in a feedback flow, where users select one of the predefined categories