
class Speed : Comparable<Speed>

Represents a finite speed of a vehicle.

The type stores speed values in a km/h up to Double.MAX_VALUE rounded to hundred-thousandths (.00001).

To construct a speed use either the extension function toSpeed, or the extension properties kph, mph or m_s available on all Number types.

To get the value of this speed expressed in a particular speed unit use the functions toInt, toLong, toDouble and toFloat.


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object Companion


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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Speed): Int

Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns zero if this object is equal to the specified other object, a negative number if it's less than other, or a positive number if it's greater than other.

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operator fun div(other: Speed): Double

Returns a number that is the ratio of this and other speed value.

operator fun div(scale: Number): Speed

Returns a speed whose value is this speed value divided by the given scale number.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for the object.

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operator fun minus(other: Speed): Speed

Returns a speed whose value is the difference between this and other speed value.

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operator fun plus(other: Speed): Speed

Returns a speed whose value is the sum of this and other speed value.

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fun roundToInt(unit: SpeedUnit): Int

Returns the value of this speed expressed as an Int number of the specified unit rounded to the nearest integer.

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fun roundToLong(unit: SpeedUnit): Long

Returns the value of this speed expressed as an Long number of the specified unit rounded to the nearest integer.

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operator fun times(scale: Number): Speed

Returns a speed whose value is this speed value multiplied by the given scale number.

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fun toDouble(unit: SpeedUnit): Double

Returns the value of this speed expressed as an Double number of the specified unit.

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fun toFloat(unit: SpeedUnit): Float

Returns the value of this speed expressed as an Float number of the specified unit.

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fun toInt(unit: SpeedUnit): Int

Returns the value of this speed expressed as an Int number of the specified unit.

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fun toLong(unit: SpeedUnit): Long

Returns the value of this speed expressed as an Long number of the specified unit.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of this speed value in SpeedUnit.KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR.

fun toString(unit: SpeedUnit): String

Returns a string representation of this speed value expressed in the given unit.

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operator fun unaryMinus(): Speed

Returns the negative of this value.