
class FollowingFrameOptions

Options that impact the generation of the following frame.


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fun FollowingFrameOptions()


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class BearingSmoothing

Options that impact bearing generation to not be fixed to location's bearing but also taking into the direction to the upcoming maneuver.

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class FocalPoint(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) val x: Double, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) val y: Double)

Focal point that defines the position of the first framed geometry point.

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class FrameGeometryAfterManeuver

Options that modify the framed route geometries by appending additional points after maneuver to extend the view.

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class IntersectionDensityCalculation

Options that modify the framed route geometries based on the intersection density.

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class PitchNearManeuvers

Options that modify the framed route geometries when approaching a maneuver.


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Options that impact bearing generation to not be fixed to location's bearing but also taking into the direction to the upcoming maneuver.

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var bearingUpdatesAllowed: Boolean = true

If true, the source will manipulate Camera Bearing Property when producing following frame updates as necessary.

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var centerUpdatesAllowed: Boolean = true

If true, the source will manipulate Camera Center Property when producing following frame updates as necessary.

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var defaultPitch: Double = 45.0

The default pitch that will be generated for following camera frames.

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var focalPoint: FollowingFrameOptions.FocalPoint

Focal point that defines the position of the first framed geometry point (typically the user location indicator, if available) in the MapboxNavigationViewportDataSource.followingPadding.

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Options that modify the framed route geometries by appending additional points after maneuver to extend the view.

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var framingStrategy: FollowingCameraFramingStrategy

Set a FollowingCameraFramingStrategy used to calculate points to be framed for the following camera.

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Options that modify the framed route geometries based on the intersection density.

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var maximizeViewableGeometryWhenPitchZero: Boolean = true

When a produced following frame has pitch 0 and there are at least 2 points available for framing, the puck will not be tied to the bottom edge of the MapboxNavigationViewportDataSource.followingPadding and instead move around the centroid of the framed geometry (user location plus additional points to frame together or maneuver if route is available) to maximize the view of that geometry within the MapboxNavigationViewportDataSource.followingPadding.

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var maxZoom: Double = 16.35

The max zoom that will be generated for camera following frames.

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var minZoom: Double = 10.5

The min zoom that will be generated for camera following frames.

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var paddingUpdatesAllowed: Boolean = true

If true, the source will manipulate Camera Padding Property when producing following frame updates as necessary.

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Options that modify the framed route geometries when approaching a maneuver.

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var pitchUpdatesAllowed: Boolean = true

If true, the source will manipulate Camera Pitch Property when producing following frame updates as necessary.

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var zoomUpdatesAllowed: Boolean = true

If true, the source will manipulate Camera Zoom Property when producing following frame updates as necessary.