Mapbox Maneuver Api allows you to request Maneuver instructions given a DirectionsRoute (to get all maneuvers for the provided route) or RouteProgress (to get remaining maneuvers for the provided route).
Mapbox Maneuver Api allows you to request Maneuver instructions given a DirectionsRoute (to get all maneuvers for the provided route) or RouteProgress (to get remaining maneuvers for the provided route).
Returns a list of Maneuvers which are wrappers on top of BannerInstructions that are in the provided route.
Given a list of Maneuver the function requests legacy road shields (if available) using BannerComponents.imageBaseUrl associated in RoadShieldComponentNode.
Given a list of Maneuver the function requests mapbox designed road shields (if available) using BannerComponents.mapboxShield associated in RoadShieldComponentNode. If for any reason the API fails to download the mapbox designed shields, it fallbacks to use legacy BannerComponents.imageBaseUrl if available.