
class Builder

Used for instantiating the RouteArrowOptions class.


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fun Builder(context: Context)

Used for instantiating the RouteArrowOptions class.


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fun build(): RouteArrowOptions

Applies the supplied parameters and instantiates a RouteArrowOptions

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fun withAboveLayerId(layerId: String): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

Indicates the maneuver arrow map layers appear above this layer on the map. A good starting point for this is TOP_LEVEL_ROUTE_LINE_LAYER_ID.

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fun withArrowCasingColor(@ColorInt color: Int): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

Indicates the color of the arrow shaft border.

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fun withArrowColor(@ColorInt color: Int): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

Indicates the color of the arrow shaft.

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fun withArrowheadCasingScalingExpression(expression: Expression): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

An expression that will define the scaling behavior of the maneuver arrow head casing.

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fun withArrowHeadIconCasingDrawable(@DrawableRes drawable: Int): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

Indicates the drawable of the arrow head border.

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fun withArrowHeadIconDrawable(@DrawableRes drawable: Int): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

Indicates the drawable of the arrow head.

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fun withArrowheadScalingExpression(expression: Expression): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

An expression that will define the scaling behavior of the maneuver arrow head.

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fun withArrowShaftCasingScalingExpression(expression: Expression): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

An expression that will define the scaling behavior of the maneuver arrow shaft casing.

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fun withArrowShaftScalingExpression(expression: Expression): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

An expression that will define the scaling behavior of the maneuver arrow shafts.

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fun withSlotName(name: String): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

The slot name to use for route arrow position in the layer stack.

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fun withTolerance(tolerance: Double): RouteArrowOptions.Builder

Douglas-Peucker simplification tolerance (higher means simpler geometries and faster performance) for the GeoJsonSources created to display the route line.